
Chapter 9

The rush of the morning began as I took towards Polarity's main train station. Polarity consists of twelve stations. Though there are much more districts or wards, most people just refer to areas by their stations. For example, the place I'm currently meeting that cinnamon roll was at Hojo station. This station was named after a great scientist that helped found this city.

Hojo was an area mostly known for its modern infrastructure. This is where most schools and universities are too! Though the school I went to was in the private sector, so it would make sense that it wasn't in Hojo. Oh and if anyone is wondering, I live in Oak station. The seventh stop going north of the city! Hojo was just a station above.

Watching the city through the train wasn't something I could get over to be honest. Everything still had its luster. From the sleek building designs, to the variety of stores openly available. Polarity was my dream come true. Even just the trains themselves felt as though I was going towards the far future. A future that maybe I'll get to enjoy to my fullest. There's only so much stores I could go and food to try! Nothing like it was in my hometown.

After a minute or so of a commute, I was finally in Hojo. People don't usually go here to hangout or study because the place is filled with students that need to be somewhere. They eat or go to class. This was a place where my people belonged. Why did Mera want to meet me here?

Just as I was about to message her, I saw her running to me with a smile brighter than the big bang through the station exit. Everyone was looking at her as she yelled out my name. Her seafoam green shoulder less blouse that felt a bit too revealing as well as pairing it with denim shorts. This girl just radiated sunflower energy! It felt a bit of a contrast to what I would usually wear which would be something plain like a hoodie. Today I just wore my purple sweater and leggings.

Mera: You made it just in time!

Mako: Just in time for what exactly? Why the fuck are we here anyway? Didn't you say you wanted to study?

Mera: We are going to study~ Follow me!

She pulled me by the hand and into the busy areas of Hojo. This was one of the first few times I've actually traveled in Hojo. Everything that I knew was basically in the hands of this airhead. Just the thought of it scares me.

The streets were just as I imagined! Students in their school uniforms, cafe's filled with workers eating quickly, and busy bikes speeding through the streets to deliver something. In a few words, a busy city. Though despite all that, Hojo didn't reek of any air congestion. The roads were managed properly so that cars would have an easy exit as to their entrance. Well this place was planned out by a smarty pants after all. But that didn't actually matter to me! I was in Hojo!

Food! Shops! Material I can use for my novels! This place had it all. However, I could only stretch my hands to them because I was being dragged through the streets by cinnamon roll.

Eventually we stopped right at a cafe with people looking through the window. What the hell was happening inside? Everyone seemed to be students so why were they spending their time here? As I looked around for a sign, Mera pulled me in again this time inside the store!

The inside of the cafe looked like any other with it's wooden flooring and old Victorian style theme. A bit tacky if anyone would ask me. Though I do appreciate the wood work that went on the ceiling with it's beams perfectly placed to make it pleasing. It made the place more cozier than it is. I couldn't get any other looks because Mera kept pulling me in further.

She rushed me through the main into the back of the kitchen where a bunch of other employees were. Some were dressed in a waiters uniform and another few chefs. I was still pretty confused on why they weren't doing any of their work.

Mako: Why the fuck are we here?

Mera: I have a small surprise for you!

Mako: Is this the surprise? Because I'm already surprised.

Mera: No! This is where the famous writer Sir Rouge is! He's doing a book signing today and I thought that you would want to be here!

Mako: I don't know what to say.

Mera: It's alright! You can thank me later!

Mako: No, it's because I don't have a fucking clue who that is.

Mera: What!?

Mako: Yeah, I have no godamn clue on who the fuck sir Rouge is.

Mera: But you're a writer!

Mako: But that doesn't mean I know every writer in the world or their work. For all I know, this dude could be the person that I hate the most in the world.

Mera: So what are we here for?

Mako: Damn it, cinnamon roll…

Mera: That doesn't make any sense! Don't you like to read or something?

Mako: Listen, you donut. Just because writers like to write doesn't mean they have to read every piece of fucking literature in existence. Sometimes they can generate ideas from other shit too like music video, video games, manga, anime, and other sources. It doesn't have to be limited to actual famous pieces of literature or literature in general. I don't have a damn clue about those things.

Mera: Big words… Ah~

Mako: Let's just go home already. I don't want to be caught dead here.

Mera: Fine, I just thought I'd do something nice for you.

Mako: You want to do something? Don't! Geez, I had to spend the commute here y'know. I could have used the money for something else.

Mera: I'm sorry, Mako. I shouldn't have stepped out of line…

Mako: Good y'know that. Let's go.

Mera said her goodbyes to everyone in the shop while I waited on the other side of the door. I guess it was no surprise that her father owned this place. The Sleeping Student, pretty popular for university students and professors to go to for a break. Now it's riddled with rowdy people trying to get an autograph from this hack.

As we were leaving, I heard a noise from the crowd. It was something of a surprised gasp.

Voice: You two girls! Why are you leaving?

So someone was calling out to us. His voice felt a bit too condescending for his own good but that's probably because of the ego from being an author. A part of me wanted to spit something deadly but that wouldn't be a good idea for a nobody like me to do.

As we looked back to see the "celebrity", his middle aged looking face made me want to leave even faster. He stood up then walked towards us. Mera hid behind me as I just stood my ground, glaring back at why a person like him would care.

Rouge: This is a private event! Leaving so soon wouldn't be the best thing to do after spending the money to be here.

Mako: Well, I came here for free anyway. So I don't really fucking care. Besides, I'm not a fan of yours.

Rouge face turned from condescending into an annoyed one. Part of me just wanted to laugh at his reaction but I knew that wouldn't be the best course of action. His raving fans are literally outside the door and sitting by the tables.

His flashy outfit didn't give me any good impressions either! Who the hell wants to wear an assortment of different colors for a cardigan while a bright red polo and black bowler hat. What the hell does that even mean? Though the only thing that works is his khaki pants but that doesn't matter!

Rouge: Why did you even come here anyway then?

Mako: My friend thought I knew your work but she was sorely mistaken about it. Now if you don't mind we'll be taking our leave.

Rouge: Hold on now! You look very familiar… Don't tell me… You're Mako!

Mako: Huh!?

Everyone in the cafe bursted in whispers about who the hell I actually was. Too bad for them, I had no clue what was happening either! Rouge's smile became much wider but not in a menacing way if that makes any sense. It felt a bit more warm despite what I initially felt.

Rouge: You're Jake's girlfriend!

Mera: WHAT!?

Mako: What?

He leaned in much closer to whisper in my ear which made the whole crowd look a lot more jealous I think. Not going to lie, that felt a bit good making these people stare. However, they might tear me apart if I walk out of here alone.

Rouge: I'm his big brother! It's so nice to finally meet you! Rouge is just a pen name of course! Let's talk a bit! I'm interested to know what girl my little brother has been talking about for so long hahahaha!

We entered the second floor of the cafe, this time no one was around. Compared to the first floor that looked like a pretty standard cafe with it's wooden floors, barista area, and booths or tables with oak finishes. The second floor had only three booths for private conversations on different sides of the room. In the middle of the room had a circular wooden table with complimentary coffee with a barista on stand by.

The employees guarded the first floor preventing the other patrons from trying to sneak a peak. After a while, Rouge changed his clothes to a much more casual look befitting of a university student. A plain black turtleneck and khaki pants, I didn't notice it now because of his hat but his hair looked similar to Jake's except it wasn't orange.

He took a seat across us, already ordering some drinks. Mera looked a bit nervous seeing as how I knew that she didn't have any good experience interacting with people. She tried nervously to hold my hand but each attempt she tried I evaded, eventually settling holding my bag strap.

Mako: So how does this work? What's your actual name?

Brendan: I'm Brendan Thatch. I currently call myself Rouge, a very flamboyant romance novelist that loves the simpler things in life. A bit of a contradiction but that's what my agent wanted to market me as.

Mako: I'm not that interested to know to be frank.

Mera: Wait! Wait! Wait! There's something more important than that! Mako has a boyfriend!

Brendan: Why yes! Jake has been telling me about her of late.

Mera: I'm so confused waaah~

Brendan: Quite the pair, you two. I might even consider putting you two in my next work.

Mako: So you're Jake's older brother? You don't seem to be the person that I've envisioned you to be.

Brendan: Hm? What did you expect me to be?

Mako: He said you were depressed about your work…

Brendan: Oh… He told you about that… He's a good kid but he needs to mind his own business...