
Chapter 12

Orders just came rushing in with no end in sight. I was about to break under the pressure but luckily the manager finally got the last order slip on the counter. My back was already covered in sweat because of this stuffy waitress uniform that if I sat down I'd feel wetness of my back. I sighed in relief that the last plate on the counter I serve was going to be the last one. I do feel a bit sad that I basically ruined this perfectly good black and white waitress outfit, it looked pretty cute too. Then again, it does get washed every work cycle.

Before I could enter the women's dressing room, I saw Jake's annoyed face glaring back at me. He clearly had it rougher than me but I just didn't care. He had to help with the cooking while I was just a simple hostess or waitress. Also because I didn't know how to cook...

I shot out my tongue in return from his ugly face then proceeded to enter the room to change. My exhaustion was about to hit my legs as I wobbled into the room. I'm not built for the rush of life.

The old man needed an extra hand since one of their employees accidentally broke her leg. Zeke was even willing to pay me double for such a short notice but I insisted that I didn't need it. In return of course, I could bring Jake help out with me. He was just free labor.

After finishing changing into my more casual outfit, I waited by the empty plastic tables of the restaurant. An extremely annoyed Jake eventually came out of the dressing room and out of his chef's clothing. I never actually saw what any of the boys looked like outside of school so seeing Jake being so stylish was a bit bizarre. Maroon shorts, yellow shirt, and an open red gym jacket.

Jake: What the hell was that!? I thought we were just going to chill or something not work!

Mako: It was an emergency and you happened to be around. Be grateful, you could put this down as experience and you're getting paid. I think...

Jake: That's not the point, Mako. Great! The sun is completely down. How the hell do I explain this to my folks now... I didn't even tell them I was going to leave.

Mako: Geez, you're already 18. You still need to tell your parents where the fuck you are?

Jake: Yes, not because they said so. It's because I don't want to worry them, alright? Don't your folks get worried when you don't arrive home early from work?

Mako: I don't live with my fucking parents.

Jake: What!? You live alone?

Mako: No, I live with Josh. The first year. Technically, I live with his family. Nothing serious. Just bunking in.

Jake: That first year from school!?

Mako: Yeah, I thought I made that pretty fucking clear.

Jake: It's hard to take what you say seriously sometimes. Your deadpan responses make it sound like your messing people all the time.

Mako: How would you know that?

Jake: Well, we've sat next to each other for the last three years. It's hard not to notice it. At first I thought you were just some ass.

Mako: I didn't notice. Too busy doing things at that point.

Jake: Doing things? Like this part time work?

Mako: Obviously.

Jake: The way you talk to our classmates sure is a bit entertaining. But that's why I didn't want to talk to you.

Mako: It's not like I give a fuck though. Nobody is interesting enough for me to care about. If there was then I'd still be pretty annoyed at them.

Jake: Why?

Mako: Because I'm the main character.

Jake: Main character? Geez, didn't think you'd have a narcissist streak on you.

Mako: You have to uphold yourself at some point. If you don't, people will just trample you because they'll think you're a nobody.

Jake: Talking from experience?

Mako: Don't push it.

Jake: My bad, hahahaha. I'm going to be pretty sore tomorrow though. That old man worked me to the bone. To think, you work like this almost everyday.

Mako: Not everyday. This was just an instance. I do other things too. Hey! Old man! Is it alright if I let one out?

Jake: Let one out?

Zeke: Here's the usual. Thanks again for your help especially on short notice.

Mako: No problem, call anytime. I'm there as long as there's money.

The old man made some egg based dishes then placed it in front of us as well as an ashtray for me. Revealing my pack of cigarettes to Jake, he opened his eyes pretty wide. Guess it must always be a shock to people whenever I do this. I started to light one up but before I could, he swiped my lighter away!

Mako: Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing!?

Jake: It's bad to smoke y'know! Old man, why are you letting her do this?

Zeke: She's not my daughter. She has the ability to make decisions on her own. Besides, she is far more capable than you think.

Jake: That's not something an adult should say…

Zeke: I trust her that she knows what she's doing, little boy. She's far when it comes to mental age for me to say anything anymore.

Jake: But smoking? Why!?

Mako: What's it to you anyway! You're not my friend or anything. Sit the fuck down already and give it back to me!

Jake: Hell no! It doesn't matter if I'm your friend or not! I just don't want someone to smoke! It's bad!

Mako: I'm giving you about the count of two seconds. If you don't give it, I'm going to give you a new reason to hate me.

Jake: … Tch. Fine!

Zeke: Told you, little boy.

Jake: Shut it old man…

He tossed me back my brass lighter then I lit one up. The release felt a lot better this time especially since I had nothing to do earlier. It feels good to puff one after a good job. Jake's face looked agitated which wasn't a surprise. Part of me wanted to mess with him even more, though I think he'd just take it personally unlike cinnamon roll.

Mako: So? What did you want to talk about? What was so fucking urgent that you needed to call me out?

Jake: Oh it was nothing urgent. I just needed to talk.

Mako: Who the hell does that when you could just direct message?

Jake: My friends, duh. We tend to call a bunch in a group then meet up somewhere like this. Except we don't go to a busy diner like this one. Somewhere like a family restaurant or something.

Mako: This is a family restaurant.

Jake: I mean like a quiet one. This one is far too busy to just chill.

Mako: Chill? What are you twelve?

Jake: Ugh, yeah whatever. Yeah, we would chill somewhere and just talk.

Mako: Sounds like a waste of time.

Jake: Well sometimes we would study too.

Mako: How's that working out for you?

Jake: I don't want to talk about that…

Mako: So I guess this means that you would've brought me somewhere for nothing. It's a good thing the old man brought us here.

Jake: You're pretty harsh. I just wanted someone to talk to.

Mako: About what? I don't think we have that many things in common.

Jake: You don't know that. We don't talk that much, just give it a chance alright? Besides, no one in my friend group right now wants to talk right now anyway.

Mako: Aren't they supposed to be your friends or something? Not that I have one for reference.

Jake: You have that Mera girl don't you? You two seem to hangout quite a lot.

Mako: It's complicated. She's more of my slave. Someone I can dish out my frustrations to.

Jake: Wow, you really are mean.

Mako: I don't give a fuck! You already know that. How many times do I have to re explain that? You people are so fucking dense, I swear.

Jake: Anyway! Something just happened between us all. I just wanted someone to hear me out a bit, especially someone that doesn't have a bias to anything related in the group.

Jake continued to look down onto the ground but I was already too busy eating to pay anymore attention. Though I was listening, the taste of Zeke's cooking always hits right that I ignored the atmosphere. Actually now that I think about it, isn't this something his older brother wanted to know. But is it right to make their experienced someone else's story? Part of me just doesn't want to do that.

Jake: Hey! Are you even listening?

Mako: Pretty sure I am.

Jake: Then quit stuffing your face already!

Mako: Is this really a problem though? I'm just going to be frank with you. Does this really fucking matter since y'all are just going to split up in the next year anyway. Some people are going up to the north of Polarity, other south, and most to Hojo.

Jake: Friendships can and will last if they're rock solid.

Mako: Shut the fuck up with that cheesy romcom lines. I mean think about it. What about your friends from middle school? Or grade school? Weren't they supposedly your best friends at that time. Now I'm even betting that you don't even remember their names.

Jake: Erk…

Mako: The evidence shows. Your friendships are quite shallow aren't they? If you're having this fight for so long then maybe you guys aren't friends in the first place.

Jake: Hey! We're not fighting or anything!

Mako: Then call them. You said it before that they'd usually answer or something. If it's not a fight then why aren't you guys actively patching things up? Isn't that what friends do? If someone is your friend in that group call one of them now. See if any of them pick up.

Jake: Yeah but it's…

Mako: Awkward? I figured so. Anyway, you have your answer.

Jake: Answers?

Mako: You already know deep down, don't you. You just wanted affirmation. In there you already knew. A glue doing it's best to keep things together. A sad reality that I'm glad I'm not in.

Jake: Why are you like this?

Mako: Because it's who I am. Why would I want to be someone like you? Just another plot engine of some kind of romcom trope.

Jake: … You're the worst at talking.

Mako: I know I am.