
Chapter 18

I just stood there like a fish out of water. My brain couldn't process anything amore. Even if the room was just so tiny, the mental image I had differed. Taking peeks left and right, making sure I knew this room was the one I had wished I'd enter everyday. What caught my attention the most were the trophy ribbons framed by the wall.

Everyone was arguing around me about something irrelevant. For some reason, I just channeled it out as white noise. Their mouths were moving but nothing came into my head to process. These things called words didn't exist to me anymore. All I could process right now was this was the room that I wanted to be in so badly. My writer instincts just went ballistic thinking that my peers would be as knowledgeable or insightful like me!

Mako: Oh right! I remember why I was here in the first place!

Iris: Huh?

Eve: Eh?

Morris: Yes? What is it, Mako?

Mako: I won't be able to assist you in editing your novels anymore. I don't have time for it. Things are just moving ahead.

Morris: What!? What does that mean? Wait! Mako?!

Mako: I got a lot of work on my plate now. People have been sending me their manuscripts for the Shield contest. I already told you beforehand that you should've booked me early or I would just say no.

Morris: I thought that was a joke! You actually can't be serious Mako!

Mako: What? I don't remember cracking a joke. I was deadly fucking serious about it and you had the audacity to laugh at my face for it.

Morris: That's because I thought it was a joke! A joke!

Mako: I was pretty fucking explicit about it, Morris.

Morris: Please, don't do this. I'll pay more than the usual! I'll eat the school's food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I have to! Just please don't drop my novel!

Mako: Double? Just that?

Morris: … You get to do that thing you want in my office… Don't tell anyone…

Mako: Deal.

Morris was basically already on his knees trying to count what little cash he still had in his tiny wallet. His youthful face suddenly transformed into a much sunken one, a man destined to eat too little till his old age. Everyone else in the room went silent. What happened to their useless babbling? Guess that didn't matter anymore. Well that's what I wanted to do. I should get back to editing.

However, before I could leave. Morris grabbed my shoulder once again in a cold sweat. His face clearly said just wait a moment but at the same time said "you can't do this to me". Or maybe, that's not the reason why I was dragged in. I just wanted to get back to work already but that face he had on did seem to humor me. Breaking a smile right now wouldn't be a problem right?

Iris: What… Just happened here?

Eve: Editor? Don't tell me.

Kuro: So she's the legendary editor that sir Morris has been talking about. It was her doing all the heavy lifting huh...

Iris: That can't be true right? A twerp like her? We don't even know a single thing about her or her background in writing. How could she possibly be Morris' editor?! Morris could just be staging an elaborate prank or something!

Shiro: Troubling…

Kuro: From the looks of it, she is. I don't think he'd bring her here if she wasn't. Also he's on his knees. That's already a bad sign.

Eve: Not only that but he actually allowed her to curse. Even we can't write curse words… Unfair!

Kuro: Well if she is then at least we'll finally have someone that could give us some proper input on our works without any delay.

Morris: You all already know how busy I can get! I need to hit those deadlines or my fans will drop my novel. If I miss even once, it's over for an old man like me. Ahhh….

Eve: So is it true? Are you the editor that Morris always talks about?

Mako: Morris talks about me? I thought we had a deal that no one would know.

Morris: Well technically I never said it was you until now. But you're an editor! You need these people and they need you. I thought it was a good way for you to make some other connections besides old people. These students are almost your age anyway.

Eve: I'm Eve Rosefront, third year!

Iris: Iris Vermont, fourth year…

Kuro & Shiro: Kuro and Shiro Ikutsuki, first year.

The more I looked at these punks the more I just wanted to leave. They didn't look like they had an ounce of cash for me to siphon. I guess I must have shown my face of disinterest because that blondie seemed to flare up. Her anger clearly showing all over like some kind of raging bull.

Iris: I can already see that you're the type to bitch about everything. You didn't even properly introduce yourself!

Morris: Iris! Language! Be nice, you're supposed to be the most mature of this club. You're acting in charge when I'm not around. At least try to act civil.

Mako: So you're the head honcho huh. I can already tell we ain't going to get along. Geez, do y'all even have money in the first place? Not going to lie y'all looking pretty fucking broke.

Iris: You little shit!

Morris: Iris! Last warning!

Iris: But!

Morris: I'm not hearing it. Be more mature about this. She's pretty much almost a professional in her own right. She's been proofreading, editing, and even fixed dozens of novels already. She knows what to look out for with deadly precision.

Eve: Sir Morris, I just don't like that you're putting a lot of faith in her… It feels a bit demoralizing especially to Iris.

Morris: Well to be truthful, I do put a lot of faith in her because she's unlike any other editor I know. Pretty expensive too, what do you even do with that money, Mako?

Mako: That's a secret.

Shiro: Figured…

Morris: But she is more than qualified to look into your works if I'm not available.

Iris: Hard to believe.

Morris: Anyway, I have to go now. I need to talk to myself in the mirror and cry. If you have any questions please ask, Mako.

And with that, Morris left the room to me. I could have sworn that I could hear him sobbing in the hallway. But now, it was just me and these people. Part of me was a bit excited to finally be in this room, so much experience in this room alone. My body already feels tingly just looking at the various anthologies that previous students wrote. I wonder if there's something made by Brendan.

Iris: Hey! You! Introduce yourself.

So it begins, the battle of egos! The light atmosphere when I entered had completely vanished to be replaced with something heavier. All I wanted to do was break down this bitch into pieces but that wouldn't be appropriate. This ain't her story! It's mine!

Iris: So? What do you want? You want to leave? The door is right there?

Mako: Okay, bye.

Without anything else to keep me here, I naturally didn't have a reason to stay. However, just as I was about to reach for the door handle. Iris' big ape hands grabbed hold of my shoulder. Somehow, I experienced a fraction of what the apocalypse felt like. Her eyes stared nuclear weapons at me, just ready to detonate in a moment's notice.


Eve: Iris, calm down please. This isn't healthy for your skin.

Eve and the rest of the group was already trying to restrain this amazingly tall girl away from me. She looked like she was about to kill me. Her hands were flailing inches from me, yet I just stood still unflinching.

Eve: Come on already, Iris. She's just messing with you. Calm down already.


Shiro: Troubling…

Kuro: Agreed brother, let's make first contact. Welcome to our club, Mako. That's your name right? I hope we'll get along.

Mako: You got money?

Kuro: Uh… No, our father doesn't really give us-

Mako: Tch.

Kuro: Did you just?

Mako: Talk to me again when you have money, daddy's boy.

Shiro: Pffft!

Kuro: Daddy's boy!? How dare you! I'll tear that mouth apart!

Eve: Shiro! Help me!

Now both the calm members are holding down the vicious ones trying to scratch my precious face. Sorry lads, there's only one protagonist in this story. I just smiled then left the room. Seems as though I've done what I can in that room.

Eve: Where do you think you're going!

There she was, standing in the hallway like some kind of protagonist. This is the moment that she would try to do some emotional speech to tell me that I should stay or something. Come at me girl! No matter how strong that speech is, I have a skin thick enough to cut three times before showing the muscle! Her face looked determined which gave me a good sense of what type of person she was!

Is she the glue that keeps this club together? Or is she the heart of the group that keeps everyone happy while everyone neglects her? All I knew was that she wasn't going to convince me to do my work for free!

Eve: I have money!

Mako: Cash or credit?

Eve: Credit?

Mako: Bye!

Eve: Wait! Wait! Wait! I'll withdraw some money! Please just stay!

After what seemed to be an eternity, she produced some cash then handed it to me in the club room. I laid out a chair right at the edge of the table then crossed my legs. I couldn't help but smile that I'm being paid just to be in their stupid club. Iris was by gnawing her teeth while Kuro clutching the table leg with all of his might. The only people that seemed to try to keep things together were Shiro and Eve.

Mako: Now we can finally get to business! Who's first?