Upgrades people Upgrades

*James was looking at his New Evolution Options*

[War Mech A Mech which is bigger and stronger but it is more weaken in speed but more strength and armor]

Hmm Pass I need enough speed to keep up with my daughter

[Engineer a Machine that is able to repair damaged components in the Mechanism parts but it is weak and able to be damaged easily but able to repair itself faster then the other version and classes]

Hmmmm Maybe but possibly

[Ranger Mech a Machine with a Artillery Cannon on its side it his able to aim higher and cause more Damage but it will time for the mech to arm itself and adjust its aim]

Nice but I ain't going to be a Big Target!!

but still non of them are interesting but as expected I have another option

[Assimilater A mech that is able to assimilate Organic Beings to use them as Pawns and Spys and able to Control them or assist them in Problems and can Enhance them more]

I can be with my daughter and able to hear me more Comfortable and less loud plus I can keep her safe from dangerous situations and PERVERTS!!! like a city will be looking at my Daughter I mean she has nice Additions to her like nice breasts and a nice as-... WHY AM I LIKE THIS!?!?

Ok. deep breaths wait cant breath dang it welp its Assimilation time

*As james picked the option he turned of while walking that was a dumb move because Stella was walking ahead of him and all of the Bots and drone powerd off and fell down or stopped moving*

"DAD!? Are you Alright!?"

*Yelled Stella as she was worried and scared seeing her dad just stopped and collapse as did everything else she sat next to him and hugged one of his legs as she watched her dad as he started to change he had gone blacker and has a crimson red glow as he got up and looked around confused as all of his creations powered on and resumed there work and as he looked at Stella he felt her death stare presence*


*Said james abit um worried*

"What happened why do you look different Dad?"

*Said Stella with abit of a worried tone*

"Nothing I just um Evolved like you leveled up?"

*Said james*

"Um Oh ok then so what did you chose?"

*Said Stella with abit of curiosity*

"Well um want me to show you?"

*Said james giving a hint*


*Said Stella with excitement*

"Alright then Come on in Stella"

*As james Hatch opened and then the small drone returned back inside Stella was smiling alittle remembering where she used to live as a baby as she entered memories filled her mind more as she looked around she saw something new a weried table with two mencanical hands as she looked at it with curiosity she heard her dad's voice*

"Lay down on the table and my skill will be used"

*Said james and then stella lay down on the table and then she was strapped on she was shocked abot but calmed down and then a small arm moved towards her and then injected her with something and then she felt tired and fell asleep as she was asleep a metallic voice in his head but it was more feminine*

[Assimilation in progress which section will chip be implanted in new host.]

hmmm now what can I choose um head?

*James thought and then the metallic feminine*

[Warring request error resuming on option choosing Lower Section of Female body the middle butt and tail Activation bow beginning.]


*And then As what you expected the arms removed her lower clothes and show her bare bottom I tried to close my eyes but I realized something I cant close my eyes and i cant switch cameras because I cant because of it is denying me!!!

as 10 minutes have passed it was complete and then she woke up and looked around*

"Ugh what happened...?"

*As she looked down her pants and underwear where gone*


*She yelled into the empty room as she got up her bottom hurt so much as she yelped in pain she examined her bottom it was still hurting and then she felt something Inside her bum she was lost in her thoughts*

"Dad what happened. What did you do to me."

*Said Stella with a stern tone*

"Um congrats you have um me in you now hehehe..."

*Said james with abit of nervous tone*

"Y-You inside me!? D-Did you!?!?"

*Stella yelled in confusion*

"No!!! I haven't done anything at all!!! to you!"

*Said james with abit of nervous tone and a guilty sound*

"Tell me what happened right now Dad!!!"

*Stella yelled*

"Um I implanted myself inside of your um... Rear?..."

*Said james with a low tone*

*Stella takes a deep breath*


*Stella yelled on the top of her lungs*

"Look I'm sorry it wasn't my choice it was the powers fault I was a witness Alright!"

*There was silence*

"You... Alright I'm going to nap now."

*She laid down and took a nap with the top of her body still coverd and then I decided to do so aswell*