Boss or Mega Monster?

*After james has experienced of what um... Tesara was able to do when james was Threaten so he decided to play it safe by putting her back into the room as hopefully might able to calm her down as james kept walking hours he encountered something it was different from the other monsters it was a...*

A slime Seriously.

*There was a blue slime and it just wobbles james nudges at the slime and yet it did absolutely nothing james thought it would be a small experience gain so he decided to just put it into a glass jar amd keep it as some sort of trophy on this ride so james kept walking until he spotted two creatures as he saw them it was those dam RockLizards james sighed he approached and as always the monsters always attack their prey no talk just fight amd james shot his Missile launcher and as the end result ended there lives james waited for the notification. . .

he still waited*

Ok um this is new..?

*James hasn't experienced of why is it not rewarding him any Xp james was worried was the monsters... Aren't monster at all!? some of the monsters leave a corpse but these ones didn't they just there bodys slowly disappeared james entered what would be called there nest as james entered the nest he saw some big and some small RockLizards james knew this will be fight and as seen like hours went by and as the last of RockLizards fell he has received... Nothing* ABSOLUTELY Nothing. A dam those who made theses!!!

*James was in a rage but after that he decided to just walk to a very big mysterys room that was to... well built like a temple of some sort marble pillars and flooring and ceiling and there was a big hole as he went to approach it he heard a Roar a big one aswell as he turned to see it was a big RockLizard not to expect but this one was different it was glowing like lava james knew this must be the Alpha.*

Well this will be a grind

*James thought to himself as he begin attacking the bigger rock lizard he dodged its Magma ball!? yes it fired a ball of hot magma at james he was able to dodge it but still it caught his leg and he admits it hurts but not to badly but still it hurts james just took the pain and fired his gun at the Big one and at his surprise it did work wounding it not killing it james sighed it was persistent on surviving james dodged its Magma ball again and fired his bullets at it again this time succeed in killing it*

[Congrats you have killed a MagmaLizared 710Xp gained]

Finally some XP!

*James was finally happy to gain some experience from this one monster as james was about to walk away he heard a bigger roar coming from the hole in the room a clean made hole was there as he looked at it something came a huge claw it was the size of him james was scared upon seeing this as he looked up he saw it's big red face Big Glowing Red eyes james knew what this creature is and he was scared of what he knew about it*

A-A DRAGON!?!?!?!? Here why???? whyyyyyyyy!!!

*James was Facing of a Big dragon and james about to run away it shot its fire breath at him His Whole entire half of his body was Gone his cam was luckily on the other side but his weapon was gone he was out of mussels he has one weapon left his cannon he couldn't move it so as his Presumably dead body the dragon chuckled*

"Weak Creature Rare now dead."

*Said the Dragon laughing at my weakness*

"I must say impressed you killed my army but not the one who commands"

*As it roared in satisfaction and pride as he got to range it opened its mouth to eat me*

"I wonder what would it taste."

*James saw it mouth opened and fired his cannon bullet into its throat the dragon flinched back and roared in anger as it was about to shoot fire at him he froze and collapsed onto the ground Dead james knew why he fired straight to the heart and he Gained alot*

[Congrats you have killed Mongared The Dragon Lv 40!]

*James happy and then he collapsed to and fell asleep healing*