*As james was sitting down enjoying the well campfire Tesara has made for herself and him as she was sleeping on him james sighed how could a Goblin especially a girl like her can love a literal death Machine that is possibly going to end all life or enslave it he has two options eliminate all life or Take over all life james was worried about the choice he will have to do in the future james was looking at the fire and back towards the remains of the dragon as james looked at it he was curious something behind it glow a purple low light behind james wanted to move but Tesara was a yandere so if he moves even the slightest she will notice something so James had to think of something then it hit him he cam control her body and pit her consciousness into a limbo as she sleeps as he did this he was Tesara now he moved his or well her body and approached the shinning shining object as he she idk they? maybe to confusing for James to think about as she amd yes he gave up on trying to admit hes a boy but hes a girl right now so not much of a choice as she approached the object he was surprised*
Is that a egg?
*Said james looking at the purple Shiny shell of the egg and James noticed it wasn't a normal egg it was a dragon egg james picked they egg up and hold it like a baby because it basically is just in a egg as James left the hole and avoids the remains of well the parent he didn't think much the egg was going to be raised by a bad parent so he opened the hatch of his origan body and he looked his interior is amazing this was cool he thought and put the egg in a room next to Tesaras as he made sure the egg was secured and safe he left it alone and warmed it up too as she stand next to his origin body he made the resting position as she did before and let her body back and act nothing was wrong she woke up after she gained control amd she looked at me with a pervy grin on her face*
"You took control didn't you My Partner~"
*James gulped or atleast had the emotion of it and he knew it didn't work she was to Sensitive even in her limbo Phase she can still tell how skilled is she?
james nodded because he really doesn't like to lie to others and that's possibly how he has died but he shrugged it off and then looked at her at his surprise she smiled at him and kissed him he was confused his top spins around alot and she giggles*
"Oh my Partner you are too cute you could always ask to use my body as you please~"
*James felt uncomfortable of how she described it but stopped and layed down relaxing himself as tesara was looking at the fire with him and james got up startling her he opened his hatch and she went inside to lay down on her bed amd sleep better them the cold floor even with fire its still cold james decided to walk out but before he did he looked at the remains of the dragon he wanted to test his new ability he shot a skill called 'Pure Life' it was called as he did a black and slick liquid came out of his cannon and covered his tail and slowly was engulfing the dragon remains james left he knew it will be a slow process as james left the Dungeon james saw something his Home was being raided by Bandits a lot of them 30 is the right number james turrets weren't on it was they where out of batterys james forgot to build a battery Factory james looked at his bots fighting off the bandits both sides are in a stalemate the bandits got good weapons but in his surprise the bots are more tanky and able to hit back alittle better but still weak in the class james didn't want to deal with them then he had a idea james went alittle close a bandit archer and open his hatch amd the door to the one who you should not mess with the Bandit Archer fired at james as it hit him the Beast within him awoke and released a death Aura*
"You. Dare. Hurt. My. Partner?."
*And on que Teaara awoken from her nap as she heard james was hit and as she saw who hurted him her arm turned into a blade and quickly cut the head of the bandit Archer as the others turn around and the bots stopped attacking amd went into there warehouse to recharge and rebuild the losses amd Tesara gave the bandits one last glance and as expected the Bandits was against the one and only the Queen of Armageddon james flet pitty for them and with 10 minutes she made another corpse mountain in her vengeance as she approached me she looked tired james confused as he saw what she did to the frogs she didn't looked exhausted james decided to cheeck her stats*
[Name:Tesara Race:Highgoblin Lv 30]
Ohhh she's evolving again makes sense
*James open his hatch Tesara went inside her room and fell asleep as james went to his base to do some Changes*