*James was wondering he can retrieve the two Space Scps but one of them is... Dead she Fried herself to the brink she did completed her mission but death?.. james wanted to save that scp but he doesn't have the Ability to Revive Dead tissue he does know one Small Girl who can her Name is Scp 040 The Evolution Child I may be able to use her ability to heal That Scp but I need something to not scare her but I wonder how can I not get attacked from her creatures... hmm Idea
I'll use a Hunter it was A Mencanical Wolf But more Steal then Fur and well Sharper Fangs aswell as it claws after I Fabricated this Unit I took Control over it amd went through the PharonGate to a Foundation Site as I was sneaking in I meet those two Again My Previous Scientists that was meant to study me Spying time*
(Corner Pov)
*It has been Three Weeks since Scp-XT took Alot of Scps Like it Took 049 160 amd then 1360 and 191 and then Lastly Scp 1406 A Massive Colossus for Gods Sake how could it move a Huge and Heavy Scp like that and where did they Go they Completely Vanished from this place in a instant as I was frustrated my assistant asked*
"Are you alright Sir?.."
*Said my assistant Tesa*
"I am fine I just cant believe Scp-XT was able to free Contaminant and take some Scps with it."
*Said Corner Clearly Mad and as he did Tesa gave him a rensuring Smile*
"It be alright sir we will get them Back"
*Her smile was Beautiful but I cant feel these Emotions we cant have relationships we cant get attached We Secure We Contain We Protect.*
(James Pov)
Wow guess that's a Relationship for you Alas I am Still a Virgen! atleast he still has his boy while mine died Back at my old Life!
*James grumbled as he did he sighed as he did he reached a Certian Scp Contaminant room he didn't expect to find it was Scp 204 Aka The Protector As I sneaked into the room it was in a Pile strange it would usually have a Host.. Oh He was resigned his host got to old and left I sighed I thought can I communicate with it or them?*
"Hello there 204"
*As I said that its body made into a Box with a eye and looked at me*
"Hello. what do you want we are Purposeless.."
*It sounded Depressed? oh right it loves taking care of girls.. Wait can I make it Protect, y Daughter I mean she has a Strong and Long Lifespan so Why not*
"I have a Daughter you can take care of she can never age~"
*As I said that*
Are you Serious!?
*As I sighed my Hunter opend its chest and opend a vile Scp 204 got inside the bottle and locked the lid and put the vile back into the Chest of the hunter as I regained control I kept on sneaking through as I saw the room I was heading for it was her Room 040 as I entered she was asleep probably her bed time and I didn't want to wake her up because she was being Protected from her... 'Pets' because I didn't want to fight them and make her cry so I waited as I did The Whole Facility was on Alert apparently it was that Attack Chaos Insurgency time as I head gun shots Scp 040 woke up and her pets attended her as she was swarmed by them she noticed me*
"Your not mine..."
*As she said that they all growled and hissed at me except from her she was weary but calm as I approached slowly at her her pet's where Judging me*
"Hello um 040 I am here to um Adopt you in a way?"
*As I said she was lost in her thoughts Adopt she hasn't hered those words through her years the peys jaws where opened from that response*
"A-Are you for Real?.. Adopt a monster like me.."
*She said she didn't look like normal girls Pink hair Tanned Skin Yellow and Purple eye she was a Monster as she was expecting a Nope was joking response but*
"When I say I am I will so do you accept Me?"
*As before the pets could give any movement*
*She said Making her pets Jaws collapsed onto the floor as that I walked closed to her The Hunters unit body was big enough for 040 to ride him as she got on she was cold and then he made Hunter have fur and she was lost in it it was soft she thought as she did as we where about to leave Chaos and Mtf where having a duel off as I and 040 was in the cross fire amd in that response her pets attacked each side and one of them gave me a nod as in 'Protect her from now on we will keep them back.' Sign and I ran away with her hanging on tight while crying alittle but as we stopped I laid her down and rubbed her head gently with Hunters Paw she smiled and got back on as I did i ran towards the PharonGate and returned home as we did 040 face was Surprised she saw the outside not the outside before we left a beautiful one sun and flowers blooming she smiled and as we did as hunter walked towards my body I returned back and Hunter looked at me and suggested 040 to get off as she did his chest opened to give me 204 as he did I grabbed 204 and put him in my compartment aka Storage room as I did Hunter walked away towards the MTs as 040 was about to call out I petted her head was confused as she saw my towering body she was scared but later on she calmed down after I told her I am her adopted dad Hunter was telling my words she hugged my leg I smiled and then That Aurra Appeared Tesara and 191 was giving me the Death stare and at 040*
"What are doing with my Partner!?"
*Yelled Tesara*
"Yeah back away from Daddy!"
*Said 191*
"No hes My Daddy!"
*Said 040 in response while griping my Leg and then it was a Cat fight and it was a draw as I stopped as as that they all agreed to Have me Equally I sighed I wish I had a Body.. as I looked up and cheeck 1 more day till my Research was done oh welp looks like I am going to enjoy my day off I guess because I am worried that 191 and 040 will fight for my affection and Tesara for my Love it will be a Stressful Break*