*James was In a Daze Two Hours I have been gone for two hours I was gone for 30 Years I guess Time In other Universes have there own Time concepts but james Shrugged it off and sighed he walked to the Research Site He has been only Researching Better Weapons and Production Nothing important but he got something... Unique in those Upgrade Sections and wanted to see them as he Greeted Scp 049 and as usual Silence james knew it was kinda Useless to attempt to speak to him or a Normal Conversation so he looked at his Options*
[Better weapons Better Production PharonGate MK II]
*A Upgraded Gate He can possibly Go to more Bigger Universes that are more... Advanced and more dangers to him but he will do the Research on it but won't Upgrade it instantly he wanted to Visit the SCP Universe one last time and return Later in the Future as he can be a Rare Scp but he entered the PharonGate he saw a Site Which had a Small Battle Field in the open where you can see a Tank Aka Scp 516 Aka The Intelligent Tank Aka Old Ripoff me I am A Intelligent Tank too but better and I wanted to make him my Commander why? Well why not he had Experience in wars as I slowly Approached the Field Avoiding Any of the Foundation Personnel as the tank was Sitting in the middle of the battlefield waiting for orders I came in and as it saw me it fired at me but did no Damage again fired and it missed and it fired amd fired and it missed it went on for hours and then it gave up and it looked Dazzed so I shrugged and told the tank*
"Wanna um Join my Army? we are kinda making your Brother in amrs?"
*I mean i ain't Lying about that i am making smaller Intelligent Tanks in a way as i did the Tank approached me and used its Cannon as a Nod i accepted it and followed me and right on que Alarms go off and when i went back to the PharonGate The Foundation where right there Surrounding the PharonGate And I take that as a Annoying amd one of the Mtf Leaders said*
*As the Leader Yelled at me and 516 I sighed and had a Idea I made the PharonGate Self Destruct and Kaboom it made everyone Dazzed Except me and 516 and My Special Gate Appeared with my Reinforcements Aka My Space PharonGate Appeared with my Four Corvettes and the one In front Picked us up amd went to Space and yes we are Getting two more Recruits The Destroyer and the Harbinger Aka Scp 2399 and Scp 1281*
Harbingers Story is sad Trust me I Read it and made me shed a Tear Ok Intelligent Machines have feelings to DAMMIT
*Jamed Yelled in his head and he Swears one of his Corvettes gave him a You alright bro Stare james Shocked the thought off and Saw Harbingers Lifeless Hulk*
aka Space Debris if you know
*And yet Again Corvette Giving him the Judging Stare James sent One Corvette to Retrieve Scp 1281 And send her Back to his Orbit or the Kingdom above his Position as he did The Space PharonGate Appeared and Took The Corvette and 1281 with them and Disappeared from Sight and Radar*
(Corner Pov)
*Corner was now a Site Director and as for his assistant His Girlfriend in his Days off but on Jobs Work Assistant he knows it's bad but hey the times he spent Together with her together to deal with Scp-XT that made them Pretty Close so as he was Monitoring his Site and then Tesa came in with a Report*
"Cor- 'Ahem' Site Director!"
*Said tena Trying to sound Professional not in a Suspicious way as she said that Corner Replys back*
"Yes? What is it Tena? what's going on."
"Scp 1281... Is Gone"
*Said Tena Hesitantly as she knew about how Serious he is with work*
"WHAT!?!? HOW!?!? WHEN!?!?"
*And right on Que that's the man she dated and fines it funny but she put that to aside*
"About a Minute Ago When Scp-XT Came with Four Spcae Class Objects now only show Three now so I can Advise that Scp-XT has Taken Harbinger"
*Corner was tired from Site Work and now its about to get more tiring*
(James POV whoo)
*James was now Approaching Jupiter aka where Scp 2399 Lays Dormant Repairing Itself he saw Foundation Drones So james sent his own to fire at them and well It was a Easy Kill as james did He saw 2399-1s Came towards the Debris of 2399 more Rapidly but with small numbers guess 2399 was having Losses but james Semt his drones to help to retrieve parts and approached them with abit of 2399-1s for company but 2399 didn't Wreck James Drones as he can see james amd 2399 had a somewhat Symbiotic Relationship right Because james helping Repair the Damaged 2399 as it was not shooting james Drones and now Scp 2399 was Fully Repaired and that Alarmed the Foundation On Que*
(Corner pov Again)
*As he was Finishing the Report for 1281 he Received Huge Alarms he didn't heard them Before amd Tesa Came rushing in and hugging him Tightly*
"Tesa What's wrong wahts Going On!?"
*Said Corner Worried for her he hasn't this side of her means something bad is going on*
"S-Scp 2399... Is 100% Complete..."
*As she said with Teary Eyes Corner was Shocked and Terrified The Destroyer was Repaired he thought the Drones will take a long time unless...*
*Corner said as he hugged her for the last time possibly predicting that this is the end of the word*
(Back to James Tim)
*And As the Destroyer Left Jupiters orbit as it had its Weapons armed and Approached Earth with... Eliminate Aura and james Blocked its Path to earth amd it Stoped and gave James a Question Glare*
Seriously Why is everyone Jud- YOU TWO CORVETTES COME ON!
*His own ships where doing the same james sighed and sent a message to scp 2399*
"What are you doing?"
*James wait for a Minute*
*Replied Scp 2399*
*Minute goes by as james Replied*
"Creators Orders..."
*Replied 2399*
"What where the Orders Sent?"
*James Messaged back*
"... 5 Million years."
*James knew how to say this*
"Meaning Creators are Deseced and Order Invalid?"
*5 Minutes went by as james Message 2399*
"No... Amswer..."
*Replied 2399 james thought it was trying to contact its creators but failed*
"No... Oreders... No... Purpose..."
*James swears he heard abit of sadness in its tone*
"Want a New Purpose want to Join Me?"
*James Proposed to 2399 thinking it might join and something unusual Happens it Colors Changed its Hull was now Black amd its lights turn Red like his color*
"New Creator Accepted new Purpose Founded Serve New Creator"
*James smiled as he Gain a Destroyer class ship and as a Space PharonGate appeared and James with his Ships along side Scp 2399 Dissapeared from the Universe for now*
(Corner pov yes again)
*And then the Alarms gone off and Me and Tesa where confused as they Checked the Computer about what happened they Saw Scp 2399 Dissapeared as did Scp-XT from anywhere on Earth or Any of the Planets... Are they gone now though Corner as he was jumped by a kiss on the check from Tesa as they calmed and and went back to home After they Sent a Vacation File to the higher ups as they Accepted because they had a End of the World event and now they are at Home watching Movies Hugging Each other*
(James Final POV lol)
*as james returns Back to his Universe They Appeared a Space Station and yes james built One as he Docked his ships and 2399 and 1281 to rest But 2399 wanted to do something so james told 2399 to Shot some Asteroids that are looking to close to his planet and not a second Later 2399 was firing all the weapons it's got at some of the Astroids amd james head back to his Base and sat down Wanting to rest and that he did*