{Forgive me for the long wait I had to have some Examinations of health anyways time for our MC to finally Lose his enternal Virginity LoL}
(James Pov)
*James was Excited He felt his Boi return aka his Dick now James Used his Assaulter Drone to see reveal his Dick or this units Dick again Hidden from sight he was isolated in his Mecha Body he felt weried hes going to test his dick in his body Weried experience never anyone done that before James saw the units Dick it was Average normal to Please a Female Human but to other Species... Pathetic was all his mind was Able to Echo. James in his human body before Death he had nothing His Family was there But Well Family who barely Visits there kid Style and he did had a Sibling a Twins His two Sisters He... Actually Missed them Over Everything Expect his own Family He has a Big Heart Literally his core is huge on his Own planet Anyway James His Sisters Mei and Yui Yui was Nice and Sweet long black hair Blue eyes Abit of a Breats she has big cups but James Shock that thought off and then theres Mei She was The Caring and Motherly Act of the Twins She had Short Black Hair Normal Breasts But had a Huge Truck that will Demolish any guys Dick if entered her Ass but they where Single and as for James Being the youngest he was 18 they where 20s He was names the Virgen Squad but reason Why james never had a Girlfriend was. . . His dick was smol like baby size he was the Inferior Guy His Sisters Yui and Mei Comfort him of his Resent Rejection from Highschool then again 5 Rejections in his Streak When he had his own house and Job and Basically lost it all now he was Depressed Reason His sisters Where in College They where the Successful in there Degree while James Didn't get accepted into there College Reason Pp smol Why The Body Examine test he was Rejected after his Measurement he was Alone And Died Alone he wonders what has happened after his Death?.. James now had a Max one Priority. Return Home. and Gain. his first Sex with the only People that Actually cared for him and some may say Incest is Bad but James a Ace Cared he ain't Biological anymore He can Fuck his sisters with no Law! but james Remembered How will he get home Especially in his Current role Position and well... Look Hes a Literally Disciple Of a Ancient Machine Empire that Died amd remained Lost to the Ages. So james decided to Observe his Sisters to Keep them Safe from a Fate he had Experience so he Powered up the PharonGate to his Hometown After putting Maria and the Rest of the Veil to Sleep Well the Men of the Veil saw him as a God/Benefactor While Maria Aka the matriarch of the whole Species was seeing him as a Dad or Lover Again she was born so both are Optional? Anyway james returned Home. His Original home. His house has... Lights on power are fine guess after his death Someone or Couple Even Family taken his Home James parked his Body the Big one aka Tank body and left it outside behind some trees and used his Assaulter body to sneak in and well Observe his home he snuck into his home well old one to find the owners when he went to the Living he saw two People holding a Photo Album His. Photo Album as a baby till his 18th Year the two where his... Sisters! yes Mei and Yui where looking through his old Pictures and as expected Grief and Sadness was on there Gaves they where crying they Comfort each other but... lose of there Brother aka James was to Much They where only ones who attended his Funeral His parents weren't there Obviously the priest was Saden of how this Soul died so Alone with he Prayed for pice and in a Way god kinda Answered his Prying James was now behind the crouch Watching this sad scene as they went to bed I only had one room my bedroom they changed there clothes and Underwear and yes James was watching this he was Pathetic Brother to Extremely Overprotective Brother He Wanted No He Is going to protect them and soon Live with them again in do time He sat and watched them sleep hugging My photo Album or book man... was my death that Bad to cause this?.. James sighed Apparently his death was Yesterday!?!? Wait time logic Right Dam time Physics Anyway James was Watching over Yui Mei went to her College but Yui Had a Free break because she was Able to finish her Project with ease she was the Brains while Mei was the Heart And as for I? Just the Burden.. Anyways I saw Yui got Tooken by a Guy in the Ally Aka My Mother Fu#$ing Murder He was Assaulting my Sister but before I was Able to do Anything something unexpected happened*
*He fell down Backwards he had... A knife in his Chest not killing him but Extremely painful I was stunned. when I look up a whole new person appeared*
"Fufufu... Oh~ look my Knife 'Accidentally' Slipped out~"
*James couldn't believe it From Sweet Loving Yui to Yandere Yui. this brought Memories of his Wife Aka Tesara As James was now Seeing Yuis Hidden Personalities She took then Knife out and... Sniffed it. yes my sister did that. And few seconds Later her Expression turned to Hate.*
"You smell... Like my Brother. . ."
*And as expected the Guy Sweets alot Knowing he Killed this Bitchs Brother He got up alittle and... Throw a Bottle at Yui she Got Dazed While he Escaped Yui was Furious she Let her Brothers Murder Escaped She sighed*
"I. Will. Avenge. You. My. Love."
*She said with a Dark Blue heart Shaped Pupils Appeared Yep I was her Sempai her Brother Sempai James saw Yui Cleaning the Blooded Knife but took abit of his blood and put it into a Capsule. Dont Ask. Where she had it. As hours passed and Yui returned Home I sat on the Couch and saw them have dinner I listened on the conversation*
"Mei how was College?"
*Said Yui Beginning the Conversation*
"Ugh.. Tiring I just wish James was here to Motivate me more..."
*Said Mei looking sad*
"But I will keeping doing this for him!"
*She said Gaining her Confidence Again*
"What about you how was your Shopping?"
*Said Mei*
"I was Assaulted By His Murderer."
*Said Yui Giving Mei a Change of Aura*
"Did you kill him?."
*Mei said if I had a mouth and was drinking something I will spit it out immediately after that response*
"Sadly No... But I did Stab him~"
*Said Yui with a Pleased Tone*
"Oh~ Good! but did you get a Sample?~"
*James was in Shock Two. Two now. His sisters are now Yanderes James was in a Daze*
"Yes I did~ Let's Make him Suffer."
*Said Yui and Mei nodded and when I Recovered from my Dazed and saw the Both of them Gome I was Confused how long was my Daze?*
[3 Hours]
Really and nice to hear you again
. . . Well that was short loved
*James Sighed his Machine Counter part was Slowly making Progress with Having abit of Conversations as I turned to the door Mei and Yui where Carrying My murderers Unconscious Body to the Basement and when I looked down there I saw. Tons of Torturing Devices An arsenal of them He was now going to Witness his Murder Suffer he Turned away and muted the sounds all he heard where muffled screams 5 hours and then Silence. As I turned and saw him. Dead My sisters Thrown his Corpse into my Furnace that heats the house the old one I got a new one but they used my old ome as to get rid of evidence as I saw there eyes where Full of life and hearts I can tell They where Extremely Pleased with that guys death amd went to my room again but this night was different. They where changing but this time Fully Naked and Stared at each other wait a minute Hold up*
"Well Yui we did it now we can lose our Virginity for James Sake now~"
*Said Mei slowly Massage Yuis left Tit*
"Ah~.. Let's Please our brother so he can rest knowing his Murder and Big sisters Finally lose there Virginity~ Fufu"
*Said Yui Slowly Massaging Meis Thick Ass*
{Be prepared For The Real Fun Soon later on ( ; }