Imperial Ball

The Archduke continued grunting as he slammed the table in his room. His pain isn't subsiding, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Call Astra." He could hardly say.

"I'm here," Astra said as he entered the Archduke's dark and gloomy room. The lights aren't in use, and only a few things are seen inside the room.

Everything is in black. People might think that a blue monster lives inside if they see how dark it is. Not like Titania's luxurious room, the Archduke's chamber is made right just for sleeping.

"Let's calm down first," Astra said, but Sylvester couldn't hear him anymore.

"Turn back the time," Sylvester commanded as he clings into Astra's cloak while breathing heavily. He couldn't see well with his clouded eyes.

Astra sighs; he doesn't want to use this method again. He keeps turning back the time of Sylvester's body just to release him from the pain he is feeling. Sylvester knew that any more than this and would take a toll on his body.

Since reversing the body clock would damage his brain, resulting in his mood swings getting more frequent. But, if Astra stopped doing that, it would result in a much more painful thing for Sylvester.

All the pain that was reversed will come back to him but doubled. It is like a curse, and it would keep getting worse if they stopped, and they both knew that. 

Astra couldn't take looking at his friend suffering all alone. He is still searching for another way, but there's nothing else they can do for now. This is their only option.

"Rest. The Imperial Ball is just around the corner." Astra reminded Sylvester as he slowly fell asleep.

Astra went out of the room with heavy feelings. Sylvester was the one who saved him from that dumpsters, but he couldn't even help take away his pain. He tried his best to look normal as he got back inside Titania's chamber.

"Did something happen?" Titania asked while munching on chocolates that Marie had brought for her. Astra pouted as he strutted towards Titania and quickly snatched some chocolates. 


Titania reacted and was about to pull the chocolate back, but Astra ate it as he lay on the bed beside her.

"Isn't it proper knowledge that a man shouldn't lay down beside a woman unless it's his wife?" Titania raised a brow as she continued eating chocolates. Astra didn't even bother getting up as he looked at the young woman.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a noble, and I don't have the proper knowledge." Titania was overwhelmed by the sudden info-dumping from Astra.

"And for starters, I don't see you as a woman." Her mouth gaped as she got annoyed by Astra's remarks and was about to pull his hair off, but Marie stood in the way to stop her.

"It's time for your bath, milady," Marie said as she blushed so hard that it made the two feel weird as if she was saying something indecent.

"You heard that? Get out, not unless you're going to help me with my bath." Astra couldn't believe what came out of Titania's mouth. 'Doesn't she feel any shame?' is what he thought as he made his way towards the closet, where he created a shortcut to the Magic Tower.

"And that's why I don't see you as a girl."

Titania threw a pillow in Astra's direction, but he quickly closed the closet before it could hit him.

Before Titania could get angrier than she already was, Marie pulled her to the bathroom. Titania begins cursing at Astra as she glares in the direction of the closet.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there will be new maids assigned for you, Milady," Marie interrupted Titania's mumbles as she helped Titania remove her clothes.

"Huh? Why?"

Marie was hesitant because of how clueless the young lady was. "It's because... the Archduke will announce your engagement at the Imperial Ball this Friday." Titania's eyes widened in shock as she almost slipped into the bathtub.

"Why am I hearing this just now?"

Marie couldn't answer her question because of the sudden interruption of two new maids. "I'm a huge fan of fairies! Can I get an autograph later?" One of the maids with mid-long orange-coloured hair asked without even introducing herself.

She looks like she's younger than Marie because of how cheeky her smile is. The young maid received a gentle smack on the head by the other maid beside her.

"I am sorry, milady. This girl is Paula, and I am Julie. We're going to serve you too from now on." The maid with long chestnut brown hair reaching up to her waist said with a serious face as she bows down in front of the lady.

"I apologize, milady! I just really love you! That's why I couldn't settle my thoughts right." Said Paula as she giggles shyly.

Still bewildered with what was happening, Titania just nodded as she slowly sat down on the bathtub. She realized that she just flashes her naked body in front of these girls. 'I am sorry, Titania,' she thought as she hid her face due to embarrassment.

The three maids helped her scrub her body and soak her into the rose water Marie prepared beforehand to make her feel more relaxed.

She experiences such luxury, but she knows that it will all end as soon as she finds a way back to her real world. "This is nice." She mumbled as she stared into the high ceiling with Marie washing her hair.

With the help of her maids, she finished washing up and also done eating dinner in her room. Now, she's all ready to go to sleep. The Imperial Ball is in two days, and she must learn everything she can to be prepared for what's coming.

"Uhm, Is the Archduke okay?" said Titania while Marie was tucking her up.

"Hmm? I think he is like the usual milady." Marie answered without overthinking.

Titania's forehead furrowed as Marie turned off the lights and excused herself out of the room. Titania sighs while looking up to the sky-high ceiling.

She skipped having dinner in the dining room because she didn't want to meet the Archduke, but the Archduke wasn't there when she sneaked out of her room after taking a bath. Titania wondered what happened to him since Florian had called Astra frantically before.

"Ugh! I'll just mind my own business. I went through something scary today, so let's sleep." She told herself as she covered her face with the blanket. 

Today was too stressful for her, and eating chocolate wasn't enough. She thought she badly needed a good night's sleep, so she stopped thinking about the Archduke.


The day for the Imperial Ball has come. The Archduchy is now being busy with the preparation of their future Duchess. Since she would be introduced to the Imperial Ball to all the noble invited, she needs to wake up early in the morning to prepare. That's how it is supposed to be.

"Who even made that damn rule?"

Titania rolled her eyes as she kept on yawning while her maids were bathing her. Yesterday was indeed hell for her. The schedules and her teachers are being unreasonable.

Madam Evelyn, her dance teacher, is the worst of them all. She made Titania dance until her feet were swollen for the sole reason of being introduced to the public. Titania wanted to cry every time she soaked her feet in the water because it caused too much pain.

"Can't I just skip taking a bath?"

The three maids looked at her in disbelief. "No! No! We can't do that, milady." Paula energetically said as she scrubs Titania's arms.

"My eye bags are even darker than my future," Titania mumbled as she watched her reflection in the mirror. Her two new maids are weirded out by her mumbling, but they're getting used to it and wouldn't question it anymore.

Titania was questioned because of her weird way of talking to herself was the day after they went to the Imperial Palace, that was the first time. Paula asked her if she was alright because she's been talking all alone. And that created a huge embarrassment on Titania's side. She lied and said that it was a normal thing for her.

'I've been trampling on your reputation, real Titania.' is what she usually thinks whenever she lies.

"The Archduke brought Mister Elke Stanford to help you with your makeup." Paula excitedly said as she helped Titania wipes off her body.

They covered her with the silk bathrobe and helped her make her way to the large dressing table. Since her feet couldn't recover from all that dancing, she did yesterday.

"I'll call Mister Elke," said Julie.

The three were left in the room. Marie began wiping Titania's hair while Titania placed her face on the table. "I want to die." She said, which made the two maids feel shocked.

"N-No, miss! You cannot die!" Marie exclaimed as she accidentally pulled Titania's hair. "Oh no! I'm so sorry." Marie immediately apologized, and Titania just nodded since she was too tired to react to any of it.

"Why do you want to die, Miss?" Paula pouted while holding Titania's hairbrush.

Titania sighed as she looked at the two. "Don't take what I said too seriously. It was just an expression."

The two young maids looked at each other and then looked back to Titania and said, "What are you expressing?" at the same time.

Titania averted her gaze as she thought it was too much pain in the arse to explain everything to these innocent kids. Although they were just years apart.

Their conversation was interrupted by the door opening, and she was greeted by the most famous beautician at the whole Tharain. It was Mister Elke Stanford, but he preferred to be called Madam.

"Goodness, look how pretty the Fairy Queen is." He complimented Titania, who is still in her bathrobe and with messy hair. It was indeed a pleasant sight; she wouldn't even need makeup because she is already gorgeous.

"I don't know my purpose here anymore." Titania giggled at this funny man in front of her. 'If everyone could act just like him, then this place would be much better,' is what she thought as she rose from her seat and made her way towards the man.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Elke Stanford." The smile on Mister Stanford's face vanished after hearing that. Titania became flustered because of his sudden mood changes.

"I prefer being called Madam."

Titania gulped. "I... I see Mister— I mean Madam Stanford." He immediately grinned after Titania said that.

"You can just call me Elke. Since we're going to be friends from now on." Titania, who felt weird, looked at her maids, asking them if that was okay. But since Titania would usually look at them with weird eyes, they didn't get what she wanted to say.

"Let's begin."

Thus Mister— Madam Elke began wiping Titania's face with a wet tissue. He did a lot of things just to make Titania's eye bags disappear like magic. Although she thought that Astra probably could do that too.

"What shall we do with her hair?" Madam Elke asked the maids for their opinion. Titania couldn't understand what they said, and she chose to just play with the jewellery box on the dressing table.

Nina doesn't really care about her appearance since she doesn't bother herself with other people's opinions. She knew that Titania was also the same, although the difference is that Titania is forced to care about her appearance because she's the guardian of Alynthia.

"Then let's do that. Since it's a waste to hide this beautiful hair."

When her hairstyle was finally finished its time for her outfit picking. 

They have four outfits to pick from since the Archduke said to buy everything they think would suit her. Titania couldn't even understand why he keeps wasting money, or he's just too rich to bother himself with unnecessary things?

"Woah, did I just think of myself as unnecessary?"

Madam Elke looked at Titania after hearing her talk. "What is it, darling?"

"Oh, don't mind our miss, Madam. She usually talks to herself." Paula said happily, which made Titania look at her in disbelief. 'Did she just unofficially call me a weirdo?' is what Titania thought. But since Paula probably didn't mean that in the wrong way, she simply let it go.

"I'll pick the blue chiffon dress. It suits the Fairy Queen's eyes." Madam Elke said as his gaze shifted to Titania, who was currently bored out of her mind. "What do you think, honey?" Titania just nodded right off the bat, even though she didn't even hear what it was about.

The three maids helped Titania change into the blue chiffon ball gown. It has a flowery pattern on the upper part, it looks simple, but Titania's beauty would absolutely make everything she wears gorgeous.

After changing into the ball gown, Madam Elke bid them goodbye and said that he had another appointment to attend to.

"Let's go, miss. The Archduke is waiting outside." Titania groans as she stands up from her seat.

"Can't we just call Astra to teleport us to the Imperial Palace?" Titania asked as she ungracefully raised her dress and made Marie flustered.

"Master Astra is currently busy with something else. Please don't raise your dress; everyone would see your undergarments," said Marie as she forcibly made Titania act like a fine lady. Since her lessons would be useless if she couldn't do this right.

She walked down the stairs out of the Manor towards the Archduke; he waited near the carriage. 'He should have waited outside my room to help me walk,' Titania complained inside her mind as she rolled her eyes.

She sauntered and kept on staggering because of her swollen feet. She knew she should have made Astra heal them. Although her healing power is much more dominant than Astra's, she doesn't know how to activate it, so what's the point, right?

When she came closer, she saw the handsome Archduke looking at his watch. Titania knew how stunning the Archduke was, but she didn't expect him to become more attractive than he usually looks. He is wearing a black and elegant robe that matches his hair and those deep purple eyes.

The scenery of the Archduchy makes him look like a Prince that came out of a Fairy Tale. 'I mean, he is indeed a Prince,' she thought. As she grew nearer the Archduke, she could smell a pleasing scent.

It was a familiar scent but also seemed strange. 

'Is it coming from the flowers near me?' is what she thought as the fragrance kept on making her feel comfortable and kind of sleepy.

The Archduke's gaze went to Titania before she could even stand near him. 

"You're 2 minutes late."

The young miss looked at the Archduke in disbelief as she scoffs at him. She knows that the Archduke was aware of her out-of hell schedule yesterday, and he still dares to tell her that she's late?

The once sparkling scenery turned into a fiery one because of Titania's rage.

"I am deeply sorry, your grace." She sarcastically said as she faked a smile.

"As long as you're aware. Let's go now."

The Archduke went inside the carriage without even helping Titania.

'Ugh, I want to kill him.' She thought as she struggled to get in the carriage. The coachmen noticed her struggling, and so they have decided to help her.

"Thank you." Said Titania as she sat down. She didn't want to see the Archduke's face, but he was sitting in front of her. Well, it was better than sitting beside him, is what she thought.

The long silence enwrapped the two of them while the carriage made its way to the Imperial Palace. Titania thought that this moment would probably be the best time to have a smartphone to avoid the awkward silence filling the space.

She looked out of the window to watch the dark scenery outside to keep herself distracted. There's nothing much to see because of the darkness. 'Why are these parties always held at night?' she sighs.

To tell the truth, she didn't want to meet the Emperor again. Who would? After being abducted for the second time, no wonder she'll feel cautious of him.

"I want to go back."



Titania blinked three times just to realize that she had said it out loud.

"We didn't arrive yet; you want to go back already?" She didn't know what to say to the Archduke.

"What is on your mind?"

She was baffled. Why is the Archduke suddenly interested in what she is thinking? When before he doesn't even concern himself with her? She left the Duke's question un-answered when they quickly arrived at the Imperial Palace.

There were a lot of carriages, and it would take a while for them to get inside the palace. She badly wants to get out and take some fresh air because being with the Archduke stresses her.

Titania was about to lay down, but the Archduke stopped her. "Remember your lessons."

"Remember your lessons." She murmured mockingly, imitating the Archduke. Although the Archduke noticed what she did, he just gave up and didn't want to nag at her anymore.

"We have arrived, your grace." They heard the coachmen say.

"Act well." Titania rolled her eyes after the Archduke said that.

"Yeah, right."

The Archduke went out first of the carriage, and he lends his hand to Titania, helping her get down. All the attention went to the two. 

People are muttering, and some are amused with the visuals the two brought. They confidently walked inside the Imperial Ballroom with the other guests.

"It's the Fairy Queen!"

"Why is she with the Archduke?"

Titania heard the murmurs as if they intently wanted her to hear. She did her best to smile and pretend not to notice anything.

The trumpets began playing as the Emperor made his grand entrance. All the male nobles kneeled while the female slightly lifted their dress as they bowed elegantly.

As soon Emperor Lennox sat on the throne, the whole ballroom was filled with cheers and claps. His elegant demeanour makes him more attractive to the women, but only Titania could notice how forced the smile on Lennox's face is. That was, not until he saw Titania. The smile of the Emperor turned into a sweet and genuine one.

Titania averted her gaze and didn't want to have eye contact with the Emperor. After what he tried to do, she still couldn't forget it. She unconsciously moved closer to the Archduke as a defence mechanism. More like she's using him as a shield.

Sometimes she wonders why Titania is being surrounded by fearsome men. One is an obsessive maniac, and the other is a brute beast.

"I'll talk to the Emperor first." The Archduke whispered to Titania's ear. Without waiting for her reply, he went to the Emperor.

Titania didn't know what to do all by herself, so she decided to stay in the corner. 

"Look, it's Lady Astley." Her attention was caught by the whispering she heard from behind. She turned her head around to see who they were talking about.

Her eyes quickly followed the woman with the black straight hair and a pair of light pink eyes. The woman she saw appears to be an exquisite person, just based on how she talks and smiles.

"Wait, is that…?"