March 14th the moon in a special made observation hub during Sebastion's third round of tests…
Quirrel was aghast as it watched those spectral eight fingered clawed hands pull themselves out of the cracks in the sensory equipment the elemental being was imprisoned in, the elemental being seemed to grip the air itself as it hauled its insubstantial and unidentifiable mass out of the cooling prison sensory cube.
The elemental being's skin, or what seemed to be skin was dark and seemed to be scaled though with these things looks were a loose meaning, what mattered was that it was out and it was staring directly at Sebastion longingly, Sebastion for his part was staring right back but doubtfully at the elemental being but at its former containment which was just now falling apart inert.
This was the worst possible outcome of all and as the klaxons roared in the background Quirrel could hear the protestations of those trapped in the hub along with it, demands to be released were ignored, recitations of qualifications fell on deaf ears, a warning was broadcast to everyone that if they tried to circumvent quarantine the harshest penalties would be levied against the perpetrators and anyone even loosely thought to have had contact with them over the past one hundred galactic standard days, everyone was cut off and set adrift as every possible avenue of escape the elemental might employ was systematically excised no matter what status anyone held who might be caught in the crossfire…all because against all perceived calculations that elemental being somehow, impossibly, managed to break containment during a routine examination test.
The chances were so astronomically small you could only say it had to be…it had to be bad luck for anyone who was affected… it all made sense now to Quirrel, who else could this have happened to besides someone with a FATE DIVERGENCE so low that it maxed out the sensors capable of reading such things.
Quirrel was watching history, the worst luck in all known measurements was probably unfolding in front of its optical sensory organs, thank THE SHOW it was being recorded or no one would believe it could have ever happened.
Quirrel couldn't even hear the shouting and pleading from behind itself as the observing specialist begged for their lives to those who now only considered them a statistic.
Quirrel could only watch as the elemental circled Sebastion, and quite surprisingly it seemed Sebastion could sense it to some degree, turning his head to trail after it as it circled him hungrily.
It was amazing to see one of these beings in real time, like an apex predator as it prepares for the kill trying to savor the moment before the strike, Sebastion for his part seemed to relax back on his one functional appendage while he tried to understand what was happening to him and what was happening around himself.
But in an instant the elemental being stopped rotating around Sebastion and now was just looking at the back of his head as Sebastion tried to follow the progress of the predator circling him. The elemental being shifted closer behind Sebastion and extended a spectral hand out in front of his chest before making a waving gesture that seemed to catch Sebastion's attention leaving him trying to investigate the are in front of himself.
With a parting of the elemental beings indistinct face that revealed far too many teeth packed into its mouth, it smiled and reached its left limb impossibly far out to the side before plunging it into Sebastion's temple. The scene froze there with what seemed a killing strike landed on Sebastion before the elemental being grimaced and flinched it's body before it retracted its arm as if stung. The elemental being slowly reconstituted itself into a small child just as Sebastion looked over his left shoulder directly into the now childlike elemental beings reptid like eyes.
Quirrel was mesmerized by the scene unfolding on the screens as the elemental being was, from what Quirrel could gather, using its rules to gather information and take a form that would help it dominate it's prey, it was curious that it ended up using the form a small human child though.
The elemental being looked up into the cameras that were recording and transmitting its every action to Quirrel with an off putting smile before looking back at Sebastion who had turned to try and see over his left shoulde at the child he couldn't see but could faintly sense, and as Sebastion turned his head to try and see what was behind him, the elemental being finally struck driving a childlike arm into the right side of Sebastion's head causing him to shudder as the elemental flowed into Sebastion as a person, a being, and a vessel.
Sebastion began to scream out in agony immediately as he felt his every nerve catch fire, it was like a furnace had been lit inside of him that he couldn't control and that was raging uncontrollably catching fire and burning everything it came in contact with, which incidentally was his flesh and clothing.
Quirrel knew what was happening, it had heard horror stories of what these beings could accomplish if containment was breached and the worst possible outcome could come about…there were vids that showed close contamination breaches that came so close to actual full extinction level retention, something that might be realized in the next few minutes if containment wasn't reestablished soon.
The elemental was trying to manifest physically so it could attain the ability to render reality, Quirrel found the thought absolutely horrible, and tried not to think how this malevolent being would soon try to find its way into the observation hub and begin to turn their theoretical and physical flesh to putty that it could then begin to play with… oh this is going to hurt…
It's no wonder the empire was so willing to cast off such a plethora of knowledge in this observation hub Quirrel thought, looking back at everyone franticly trying to log out or failing that just run about shouting incoherently it could only agree with that decision.
Looking at doctor Gloglan who seemed to be as intent on the same hollo Quirrel currently was watching it could only sigh and return to watching its imminent demise, if that thing managed to manifest and somehow followed this connection back to them they were all to an organism…screwed, death wouldn't be the end for them unfortunately.
As Quirrel watched the elemental being begin the final stage of its manifestation it could only lament at how this would effect THE SHOW, so many candidates would be lost in the surrounding area not to mention all of the research lost due to the purge that would need to be followed through with to ensure containment, the cost in the end would be horrible and may even delay the actual commencement of THE SHOW's debut on Earth.
Quirrel stared at the hollo to watch what might be it's final moments only at the end to break and look away to what had cause this whole thing in the first place, FATE DIVERGENCE –NEGATI-BZZZ—NEGA-BZZZZZ—FATE DIVERGENCE –POSITIVE+++--. Quirel couldn't believe it's eyes and immediately returned it's gaze to the hollo to see the formerly triumphant elemental being stop right before fully managing to force itself into Sebastion's physical form, instead it was intently focused on the broken cube it had escaped from a moment ago.
Quirrel tried its best to see what this being was looking at and increased the zoom over the broken shell of its former prison only to see that two different portions of it had fallen perfectly into place as it was crumbling to the floor and had completed a security rune perfectly! The now active security feature began to power up causing it to grow in brightness to such an extent that Quirrel had to reduce the zoom back to its original magnification to try and see what was happening, and even then it lit up the sensors with such a massive reading it was blinding in its intensity.
Then with a flash the single rune burned out and carved an ethereal line across the room bisecting the elemental being and forcing it from Sebastion's physical form to fall into the corners where it slowly began to dissipate, with one side turning to what seemed to be a liquid, and the other turning to ash and dust that crawled up to the stupefied expression plastered across its face as it tried to comprehend what just happened in its moment of triumph.
Immediately the klaxons and the blaring red light disappeared as if it was a lie and across Quirrel's hollo read the unbelievable words scrolling across the center area, "---ELEMENTAL BEING HAS DISSIPATED FULLY---THOSE UNDER RESTRICTIONS MAY RESUME REGULAR FUNCTION—", it was unbelievable another occurrence so slim it might as well have been a joke, but all together was now the final part of a legendary epic that will no doubt spread across the empire.
What Quirrel could gather from what it had seen it must have been one of the security systems that had been demolished on the elemental being's exit that somehow had come crashing together in such a perfect way as to reignite the security protocol that was originally made to hold it, it had to be a joke… Quirrel's and everyone's life and whatever came after had been saved by accident?
"Amazing…" Quirrel couldn't believe the amount of crazy that had been crushed into these past few minutes, it was amazing and humbling to be able to watch such an event in real time.
Looking back to the data Quirrel once more reconfirmed that it read FATE DIVERGENT –NUETRAL—now, switching it's view to Sebastion he didn't look too good at all and Quirrel's worry flared up again, what if this promising candidate was neural fried, or phyche roasted… Quirrel wouldn't escape punishment… actually come to think of it Quirrel would be lucky if it didn't receive any censure no matter what form it came in, someone would have to take some responsibility and unfortunately for Quirrel there was a contract stating all of that blame would come crashing down on it…
Thinking it might as well take the initiative and try to save the one candidate who had technically caused all of this Quirrel manifested in the examination room to try and save what really looked like a cooked piece of re-entry junk, "Oh by THE SHOW please don't be ruined Sebastion.", the thought stung at Quirrel's mind.
Tentatively while watching Sebastion struggle to breath Quirrel thought it might as well say something, and while not the most elegant it would come to find that it said something relatively bland and basic, "Hey buddy…how're you doing there?".