Shoot war

With their departure from the shrine, they marched in sequence steps to the border of Ifa-ile and to which the chorus for victory will not leave their mouth.

In this manner had also the armies of Efon marched to the border of Efon as they continued to roar for victory; shooting their muskets into the sky.

At their borders to which there was a valley; connecting both Efon and Ifa-ile together and the warriors of Ifa-ile and the armies of Efon gathered against each other.

Oranmiyan who remained steadfast at the fore front of the warriors of Ifa-ile had not failed to recognize Okiki-osupa even in her war outfit which covered her as a man from head to toe.

For every thing that flowed in his thought, he had not even known when he took on his face a radiant smile which depicted him foolish among the rest of his warriors.

And by the tap of Balogun, who was the commander of the warriors of Ifa-ile, he was brought back to his consciousness which had him concentrate on the war they had before them.

Okiki-osupa who remained steadily beside his father at the fore front of the armies of Efon noticed Oranmiyan as well and even to look away from him became the hardest decision she could not do.

As she continually fixed a stare on Oranmiyan when Oluborode was not looking, she would also peep at him when ever Oluborode was somewhat conscious of her stare on his enemy.

Even though the warriors of Ifa-ile and the armies of Efon stayed some distance against each other, Oluborode as the leader of the armies of Efon and Oranmiyan as the leader of warriors of Ifa-ile walked up to each other in the valley before them, as they dialogue.

But even their dialogue had not been for a settlement instead, a bash of superiority complex as Oranmiyan had confidently poked at Efon against their encroachment on the land of Ifa-ile and shall they be defeated for the greed that lives in them.

According to him, the greediness of a rat had always been the cause of its downfall. And if Efon as a potent Empire was a rat was the question Oluborode threw back at Oranmiyan the instant he closed his mouth for words to stop coming from it.

To have looked down on a whole mountain burning with intense fire and called it a stone from inside a sea would be the most foolish word from a self acclaim wise man was the word Oluborode said further.

And if he had been just been called foolish was the question Oranmiyan asked him the moment Oluborode would have opened his mouth for yet another episode of insult which would fall from it.

The instant Oranmiyan pointed his musket at him had Oluborode commanded him to point it away. As according to his words, for a lion to take on an elephant by itself, it would think twice for the death that would grab him by the horns of the elephant.

Oluborode in his confidence had not relented after his words as he took up his hands after which he spit on it three consecutive times and a slap he landed at the back of the neck of Oranmiyan.

A word of incantation which commanded death to walk Oranmiyan Into the land of the dead, he said, as even Oranmiyan began to feel numb and loss of control he had over his body.

With a bigger sneer which exploded right from the mouth of Oluborode led the rest of the armies of Efon into jubilation for their goddess had not disappointed them yet again and even Ifa-ile she had delivered into their hands.

Even with this continuous sneer which had not left the lips of Oluborode, he began with words of condemnation that even, the warriors of Ifa-ile had heard him loud and clear without missing any words.

If a Gorilla becomes so unfortunately foolish, and defeated, definitely, its monkeys with no strength shall flee into their nearest safety were the words of Oluborode as he looked straight at Oranmiyan in the eyes.

But if he thought he would spit on him again as he had almost done, he failed as Oranmiyan received the strength even to battle with the unseen element that tied him down.

A sudden awake from his numbness Oranmiyan felt as he jumped up again into action to which he praised the witches who had not forsaken him and had him not a subject of mockery before his enemy.

This instant had Oranmiyan cocked his musket again and a command for Oluborode to be grabbed by the cold hands of death, he said as he shot immediately at him.

Even when, Oluborode had almost fallen he had stood firm again with different incantations only to rescind the shot from Oranmiyan.

But even before Oluborode had made any further action, Oranmiyan who stood steadfast before him shot him again with his musket and yet another command for death to take him away.

His shocked was obvious as even Oluborode would not believe he would fall to hit the ground as everything that metamorphose was not even in his control.

As long has Oluborode tried to repeal this shot, he had almost failed as the forces that guided Oranmiyan was stronger than the goddess he had as a backbone which triggered Oranmiyan into a loud sneer.

If that was everything he could do was the question of Oranmiyan to Oluborode as he asked yet again who the lion was and who was a cat acting to be a lion.

His question which was loud even for the warriors of Ifa-ile to hear. In this way, busted them all into a continuous maniac laughter as they called Oluborode a fool to have gone to war with them; a lion, with the sticks he called a gun.

Definitely, Okiki-osupa couldn't have watched any further, the mockery of her father as she stretched her hand and shout for war. She, in that Instant propelled the chief commander of the army to raise his voice higher for yet again another command for war.

With this force had every soldier of Efon ran in their maximum speed downward the valley with their muskets in their hands and also incantations which had not failed to leave their mouth.

The warriors of Ifa-ile, seeing this great energy from the armies of Efon and as they began running towards them braced themselves firmly as they cocked the muskets and began with their own different incantations.

As some were with different spells, calling down the presence of the witches, others had not relented in the spell for death to wipe all the armies of Efon into his kingdom.

Definitely, an iron is always stronger than the other and how hard they clash will always bend the other to command as such was the case of the armies of Efon falling dead to the warriors of Ifa-ile.

Suddenly was the wind which breezed out from no where at all, and the plaque of flies which completely clouded the faces of each soldier of Efon.

In this way, had the warriors of Ifa-ile took a good position and began shooting their musket to one soldier of Efon at a time to which as a result of this took many of them into their death.

And those that were remaining was left to a swath of confusion as they couldn't tell if to go on with the war or brace their legs for their escape.

Certainly, a wolf will always fester in strength in their congregation to destroy. But once the alpha becomes taken out, the cowardice of the packs becomes a visible trait.

Okiki-osupa even as a princess had deepened her foot into the trap she set for herself as she ran to her father only to meet him struggling for his last breath.

Certainly, the beauty of Okiki-osupa intervened in the decision of Oranmiyan. If definitely it had been any other soldier, his head would have already fallen from his neck as he would have it fed to the birds even without a second thought.

His smile overshadowed his decision for his sole aim for total victory over the armies, the commoners, the slaves, and even the animals, as he became the imbecile dancing to the tune of love.

Even if Okiki-osupa had pointed her musket at him and dared to shoot because of her father who now dine at the table of death, he had not moved an inch as he smiled again, walking even closer to her.

He caressed his finger on her face and even if Okiki-osupa loved the feel of his strong fingers, she had not allowed him touch her any further as she shook off her head causing his fingers to fall away from her face.

Oranmiyan with his words at the top of his voice and his smirk which symbolized his pride for the defeat of the armies of Efon commanded Okiki-osupa to look around her and if she cared for the lives of her people, would become his wife and to which Efon will become a kingdom under Ifa-ile.