Incorporation and copulation 

A new morning which gave upon them brightness came quickly as Osabiegun, the chiefs and elders, and the eldest priest were in their discussion inside of the palace. 

A question to which they should send one of the captives free by sending him on an errand to Efon Osabiegun spoke about as he planned to officially incorporate the land of Efon as part of Ifa-ile. 

With the nod of heads and humming sound the chiefs and elders confirmed the words of Osabiegun to which they looked directly  into one another's eyes that the words Osabiegun spoke was right, they all chorused. 

With only a gesture of the hand and his eyes that directly looked towards the way of the dungeon one of the royal guards received the command of Osabiegun to which he executed immediately. 

Among all of the captives that remained binded in the dungeon was the most hefty of them taken by the royal guard. Even in his shackles which bond round his ankles, up to his wrists and also fasten to his neck, he could not move fast yet the royal guard had only pushed him to walk faster. 

Before Osabiegun, the captive was made to lie flat and with this, Osabiegun told him what he wanted and if the message shall not be delivered shall he be traced and have his head as a sacrifice to the witches. 

But a death was always a death, if he stayed shall he die. If he delivered the message shall he yet again  die and even if he escaped shall he be traced and shall he be beheaded were the words of Balogun who had not held back to talk. 

Only with this truth which the captive already knew shall the captives pick a race for it still remained a probability if he can be traced were the words of Balogun as he quickly fell on the ground with his face buried into the ground. 

If this was surely a good idea he asked again which placed Osabiegun on the seat of confusion as he wondered if he had not asked them before he commanded that they bring out one of the captives?  

That it be right if an emissary be sent to Efon instead, which will make sure the command of Osabiegun as the king of Ifa-ile was effective and carried out with total efficacy. 

 If he will go as the messenger of Osabiegun it will not be a bad idea. if, of course Osabiegun wanted, were his words again even as his face remained buried into the ground. 

Definitely, his cat was only trying to steal meat from a pot, were the words one of the elders spilled at his face and with exclamation which expanded the jaws of Balogun even wider, he demonstrated. 

 If at all he was blind, another of the elders asked him yet again. That if he had nothing inside of his head, and what remained on his long neck like a stick of broom was only an empty head filled with waters as brains, the fact that they were called elders had not been for the sake of nothing but for their age which was definitely older than all the chiefs. 

That even when anyone was to be sent on a message as the hand of Osabiegun, it should be them and not the other way round, another of the elders barked yet again. 

With only this had the chiefs on the right side of Osabiegun being seated on his throne and the elders who were seated on the left side poked directly at each other and threatened one another with charms as according to the words of one of the chiefs, he will make them, the elders never to rise again for he shall bury them one after another in a shallow pit even before the rumor of their death would spread around. 

A command which ceased the moment Osabiegun made an exclamation which expanded his jaws and the words of condemnation he bashed on the chiefs and elders. 

If they were upright at all he asked further and that each of them should tell him one good reason he shall not replace all of them as he throws them into the dungeon was the question he asked. 

Oranmiyan in his chambers with Okiki-osupa couldn't be happier at the sight of his future queen  who sleeps even beautifully by his side. 

As the marriage which was held the day before ended, left her tired and stressed. That she needed sleep even more she whispered before she fell into her beauty sleep and only for this reason had Oranmiyan fix his eyes on her even over the night as he cherished her more and more. 

A kiss on her head he gave to her each time she turned for more comfort she could derived from her sleep.  And just as she opened her eyes to a brand new day, Oranmiyan spread her legs.

Definitely, as according to the culture of Ifa-ile, a wife must not disobey her husband and whenever he is ready, she must be ready. This was  the case of Oranmiyan and Okiki-osupa when he began to make love to her. 

The chiefs and elders who now remained fallen to the ground as they pleaded for mercy so that Osabiegun would give them a second chance for what they did had taken place for a moment. 

Osabiegun with his dagger looks had no choice but to listen to the plea of the chiefs and elders and a promise he gave to them that if any of them raise his voice yet again for trouble shall he henceforth stop being a chief or an elder for that matter. 

That the lion roars, others shush their voices was the words of the eldest priest who bowed his head before Osabiegun and pleaded that he listen to him. 

Even before he hit his nail on his hammer, the eldest priest began yet again with eulogies that praised Osabiegun and a story he told him further for what happened between a lion and the ants. 

According to him, the lion had already conquered the queen of the ants in a flawless battle for everything the lion had to do was to march on the ant queen. 

For only this had the lion continued to brag and anything he shall do he did not plan. And as for the ant castle he also wants to rule with his jungle. 

Without a single thought of how to approach this manner,  the lion did not know and  fell into the trap of the soldier ants which they immediately continued to sting him and also the ants which sting were mild will not stop until the lion became powerless and died, it gave up the ghost.

Even so, Osabiegun had not an idea where the eldest priest was headed with his words, he had paid attention and adhered strictly to the warning he said after. 

In his words, an emissary was important to relay his message to Efon but the people of Efon should he put on the throne of Efon who shall be called a chief, and not a king for there can be only one king and only one Empire. 

With only this had Osabiegun commanded that the captive be returned into the dungeon as he sent one of the royal guards for the presence of Okiki-osupa who should be at once before him.  

Oranmiyan and Okiki-osupa, who had not stopped their love making, heard a male voice at the entrance of their chamber. 

In a rush had his own royal slave rushed down to the entrance of his room to which he announced at the top of his voice to Oranmiyan, the sudden call of the future queen by the King to which his guard awaits her at the entrance of the chamber.

Even so Oranmiyan had not a single idea of the intention of his father, he dabbled instantly into his attire, and commanded the rise of Okiki-osupa who instantly wore her attire.  

Without a single delay had Oranmiyan and Okiki-osupa gathered and walked out of their chamber for the call of the king shall not be delayed as even that was believed to be disrespectful to the king in Ifa-ile and it punishment can be severe even for Okiki-osupa as the queen of the future. 

At the palace, Oranmiyan sat beside his father at his right hand side as he would always do and Okiki-osupa knelt before Osabiegun after she had paid her homage to which he began to speak. 

Even though the faces of the chiefs and elders revealed their disgust to the decision of Osabiegun and even more worse has Balogun as one of the chiefs scowled defiantly at the presence of Okiki-osupa, Osabiegun had not minded but spoke directly to her. 

According to his words, in the morning shall Okiki-osupa go among her people in the land of Efon and a message will she deliver to them for if they do not want their whole land to perish shall they harken to his words and everything he instructed, they must do.