Revealed Atejoku, and His Doom

With all his strength, and his voice which was at the tip of his tongue, called out the name of his mother in a prolonged fashion and yet again he did the same also for the second time and so the third time. 

That he braced himself into a sudden freedom. Even though his mother fell lifeless to the ground, and also without her head, for her head fell separate to the ground and her body to another part of the ground. 

He lifted the body of his mother unto his laps while he sat on the  ground and emitted a longer shout in words for the name of his mother. 

In this way his eyes were filled with tears and so even many of the villagers of Ifa-ile who wish this event had not happened and also Okiki-osupa, who now lifted down her head and lost the will to watch the event fell shortly into weeping. 

But not Osabiegun, or Oranmiyan nor the chiefs and Elders. For Osabiegun believed that a cockroach which looked down on the feet that could step on it would lure itself into its death and so was Atejoku who believed he was going to get away with his sin that trepassed the tradition of the land and found himself in his misery. 

More so, an untamed wild cat could be fierce to do more harm if they fail to render its life away and for only this reason had Osabiegun who communicated only with the gesture of his face and the nod of his head to the Eldest Priest, called the Eldest priest into the knowledge and the understanding of the desire of Osabiegun. 

That the offender be arrested firmly were the words of the Eldest Priest in which the young priests who before held him in arrest, shove their arms into Atejoku's shoulder again and lifted him up even while he mourns his mother. 

His face they had made to turn to the people as the Eldest Priest stood more firmly on the ground and lifted his voice to which he, himself had faced the people of Ifa-ile, also, with his both hands lifted to the sky. 

According to him, blessed are the names of the witches who made it possible for the offender in his foolishness to reveal himself. And for the wisdom Eledumare gave to them also with the support of the witches who supported them lured the sinner into their trap. 

For any rebel against the tradition of their land shall not be forgiven. For not a slightest of sin will be ignored as this is the case of Atejoku who committed a gravely offense will not be taken lightly. 

And even though his mother paid for his sin, shall he use his own blood to pay for his own sin. For he who murdered shall be murdered was the practice of their forefathers and in the doctrine of them shall they follow. 

With the nod of the Eldest Priest another of the young Priests brought forward a new calabash filled with water and yet another of the local sponge. 

That in the same fashion they dealt with the mother they shall deal with the son, were the words the Eldest Priest said in the direction to the villagers of Ifa-ile who was now looking without a blink into the event of the shrine. 

With the incantations from the mouth of the Eldest Priest which called the attention of the witches yet again on another of their offerings ushered the witches even more into their manic laughter. 

Even though their sneer had lasted for a longer period than their other sort of laughter they have made reveal from their realm, nothing strange had happened as even the state of the physical was as normal as the sun shines brightly on earth. 

In every last word of the incantation of the Eldest Priest, the rest of the priests and also the whole multitude of the young priest and the younger priest chorused in a solemn sonorous voice even from their respective positions. 

The instant the Eldest Priest held his mouth for some quietness had the command of the Eldest priest found its way out of his lips and to the young priests who immediately executed his words. 

In accordance with the words of the Eldest priest should all the attire which covered the offender's shame and reproach be torned apart from his body. 

For to everyone shall his shame be revealed as to the desire of the witches who in their power had instructed so. 

Even Osabiegun could not have been more relaxed for him who attacked his kingdom against the doctrine of his forefather and to the embarrassment he had caused him was only a step away from his death. 

Only in this strength had Osabiegun rendered more smiles and even the Chiefs and Elders who revealed their white and brown set of teeth in accordance with the gesture of Osabiegun. 

The two of the young priests who acted promptly to the command of the Eldest priest already bashed Atejoku into his bare nakedness and even further that he was bonded in shackles and also his feet that were restricted against freedom with the use of shackles. 

This instant had the Eldest Priest commanded yet again for the bathing process to begin to which the two of the young priests began indeed. 

Slowly as they washed his body were incantations pronounced on him by the Eldest Priest who santify him to the taste of the witches. That he should be accepted and in an answer to their prayer should peace and unity continue in Ifa-ile. 

For the red moon, they do not want to see and that their river shall flow of blood they prayed against even with this offering. 

But even Atejoku had not made even the slightest move against this process. In his mind he saw no reason to struggle for life. For he had no one to live for. 

Everything he could want was a moment with his pregnant wife and his mother and if meeting them in death was the only paved way, so he was ready to die. 

Slowly as the incantation from the Eldest Priest continued and gently and solemnly as the rest of the priest answered to his last words in a chorus, the two of the young priests now began with the scrapping of his pubic hair. 

The hair in which one of the young priests had carefully dropped into the calabash and gently mixed it well and poured the water yet again on Atejoku as according to the usual preparation of their offering rendered Atejoku an imbecile and everything he further display was his foolishness gathered into his white set of teeth. 

The instant he widened his check for his first smile, he was turned that his face now kissed the ground for only the scrapping of his hair that he may be cleansed and the witches shall accept him as an offering. 

In the same strength his hair on his head became bald slowly as they scraped it off. Also, his nails, which were longer than his hand fingers, were cut. 

That he arose, the Eldest Priest commanded and the instant the young priest had stressed their arms to him to help him get up, they were condemned by the Eldest Priest in which they immediately pulled back their hands behind their backs and looked firmly to the ground. 

That he rise, the Eldest Priest commanded again in which promptly, Atejoku had risen and also with his smile widen upon his face. That he bind himself loose, the Eldest Priest commanded once again in which Atejoku, with his teeth all over his face bind himself loose. 

Even though he had the freedom, his wisdom had been taken from him as he remained staggering on his feet with the only smile that hadn't shrunk from his face. 

Again had the multitude of the priests, the rest of the priests, the young priest and younger priests  come together in one accord with their hands held tightly into one another with their mouths saying the words of incantations in unity. 

Every priest chorused at the loudest of his voice his incantations in which Atejoku remained staggering in their midst. 

Only if there could be a reverse into the past, and more carefully this moment avoid this havoc that could have happened Okiki-osupa wished as she clung into the arms of Oranmiyan for yet a stream of tears that narrowed down her eyes. 

But if Oranmiyan had comforted her was a total lie, as according to him should she not be seen weeping. For a taboo it is for a drop of tear to touch the ground lest, be seen and made to come be the next sacrifice. 

Certainly, only this word braced Okiki-osupa into her confidence which dried her tears but for her to behold the death of Atejoku remains what shook her feet in terror.