Presence of The Witches and love to Okiki-osupa

The further they walked closer to the tree at the T-junction and as the chanting of the priests in a song continued yet solemnly, the feel of the witches became more intense and frightening. 

But, if the Eldest Priest, and the rest of the witches only for this was led into fear shall they experience the danger that awaits them. For in the trap of the witches they shall fall and helplessly they shall not live to beg for mercy. 

First was the wind which continued to breeze with the utmost strength and the darkness that had grown thicker on them until they could hardly see and in faith they took further steps even in the presence of the full moon. 

Certainly, this had not happened before without the cause of a supernatural event. To what extent of darkness could embrace Ifa-ile in the absence of the sun and cause blindness in the eyes?