Since the rise of Oranmiyan to the throne it has become more of a culture that all farmer's and all hunters and all traders give their first proceedings to their king every first day of the end of each thirty-one days.
This was a means by Oranmiyan to feed the house of royals and whoever disobeyed to harken to this, shall be severely punished as the words and command of the king must be upheld.
Although, for the people it was not difficult to bring their harvest to the king, as even this was a practice in the days of his father. What was difficult was the fact that it had to be the very first day of the end of each thirty one days. Instead of once in a year like it has always been.
And in the compound of the palace were everyone: the farmers, the traders, the hunters who had come to bring Oranmiyan ten percent of their harvest or their profit or their game as the rule had demanded.