Coronation, life of the Prince

And it is so that the people beheld the coronation of Balogun and thus, as the Eldest Priest had stood yet before the people in the compound of the palace, and Balogun stood also with him had the Eldest Priest wore him the crown.

A lot of silence prevailed at the compound of the palace where the people were supposed to be cheering with noises or dancing to celebrate the beauty of the day. For in the days of Oranmiyan many would dance with him and rejoice with him and expand their cheek in their biggest laugh.

Even when the silence of the people  had called Balogun's attention he had not addressed it yet. For he is more interested in the wearing of the crown than the happiness of the people. 

And after this had the Eldest Priest handed onto Balogun officially, and before the people, the staff of office and also the horsetail whisk, and lastly the red beads he wore around his neck and his wrist and his ankle.