The Beginning of the Darkness Invasion- Prologue

Olivia Schwautcz got another phone rang on her cellphone for work.

she got to deliver another of presentation and some of proposal which had been held by her.

As an employee of corporation,she must strive hard in order to get promotion of higher position and remain stable in her performa.

At home,she was feeding for her three brothers and three sisters.

she become the peak and the head of her family since she got no relative and her parents were got an accident and was died in place then.

It was happen .. everything she got bad luck and the sort of stuff she doesn't like to happen ..

At the time between the sun and the night were come…

Half of sky was darkened by the temporary disappearance of sun … and half of the sky was bright red blood with the light of sunset..

Which makes some distance feel of her memory..

Part of bad memory,good memory and sad memory..

she didn't realize it was just the beginning..

The correlation between her past and present..

And the bound of those energy she bring from the birth of Olivia Schwautcz,

The girl birth with the fate to save the world and her remaining siblings,..

To defeat the darkness that swallowed all light from the world..

Before the world becoming pitch black..

And darkness will rule

Before that,she must realize the fate she must complete

Or she will see the fear and the time world had her light being eaten up by darkness..