Planting the Seeds of Chaos

A moment later, a scratching noise could be heard as a pen was crushed under the developer's heel. His foot suddenly slid out from under him, causing his body to jolt forwards.

Within moments of hearing the sound, Arthur's body had involuntarily lunged forward, giving him more than enough time to put his own body in the path of the developer's fall.

The three seconds that followed played out exactly the same way up until the point where the developer's head would have made contact with the machine. Instead, Arthur had caught the man as he was falling, allowing him to regain his footing and ultimately preventing the incident.

The projection of the man's body lying in a pool of his own blood slowly faded away, and the feeling of nausea became stronger.

This train of symptoms was playing out in a similar fashion to the incident with the soccer ball that happened several months ago, and it was the first time this phenomenon had occurred since then.