The Caphyae Kidnappings

"I might. Give us a look at what you've got." The bartender said while searching through his stack of quest sheets.

Merlin did as he was asked, taking out a handful of fangs and a wolf pelt from his inventory and placing them on the counter.

The bartender picked up one of the fangs and brought it close to his face to inspect it. "Right, Right. This looks like one of those dire mutts that hover around town." He flicked the fang and listened to the sound it made. "Sounds tough too, these will fetch a pretty penny."

The bartender placed the tooth back down and ran his fingers across the wolf's pelt before going back to flicking through the quest forms.

"There we go, knew we had one." The bartender mumbled to himself while pulling a sheet out of the pile, he then handed that sheet to Merlin. "You might like this one."


[Common Quest]

Local Alchemist needs Wolf Fangs.