The Old Man Returns

After greeting his friends, the group spoke about various topics while waiting for the rest of their group to arrive or the doors to open, whichever happened first. The topic of Rowan becoming Arthur's sports teacher was somehow brought up.

"Wait, so you're Arthur's teacher now?" Maria remarked, "What are the chances of that?"

"A lot bigger than finding out you're a long-lost cousin, I'd say." Arthur retorted, "There's probably somewhere around sixty-something high schools within a reasonable driving distance or something like that. Out of those schools, how many suddenly lost their sports teacher?"

"Why did you say it like that? What happened to the last sports teacher?" Maria asked, completely ignoring the random number that was pulled out of thin air.

"Oh, nothing... Nothing at all," Arthur remarked with a cheeky grin. "I'm sure he's as happy as he's ever been, serving lottery tickets and reheated sausage rolls to disgruntled customers."