The Shattered Sky Update

"Alright, I'm gonna call it there," Merlin said, turning to his stream camera. "Thanks for tuning in, I'll be streaming at the same time tomorrow."

"I'm thinking we'll pay a visit to the wizard college tomorrow," He said, "I'm sure some of you are dying to see magic in action. It'll be fun."

He spent a few minutes reading the chat and answering a couple of questions. He even gave the audience a backflip due to receiving many requests, but he eventually ended the stream and made his way into the city of Macedonia.

He walked through the city, making his way down a side street that was both uninhabited and had an entrance into the sewer system.

After picking the lock on the iron bar door, Merlin slowly opened it and entered the sewer. The stench of bodily waste flooded his senses, but he summoned his little ball of light before setting out in search of the correct entrance.