Chill out

Merlin's attention snapped to the statue of Hecate. He wasn't that interested in her blessing as it wasn't that useful for him. He wasn't reliant on magic and didn't really have any intention of using the cleric soul much in the first place.

His curiosity got the better of him, and he quickly approached the statue.

"Hecate, grant me your guidance." Merlin chanted, causing the statue to glow and an information window to appear before him.


Hecate, Goddess of Crossroads and Witchcraft

God's Blessings: ⟪Moon-touched Mage⟫

Abilities: ⟪Speak with Dead⟫

Origin Soul Bonus: N/A


• You must befriend a minimum of three animals. (33.33% Complete)

• You must possess a magic-related soul that has reached level 3. (0.00% Complete)

• A minimum of 40% favourability with Hecate.

Favourability: 74% Hecate is hoping for your assistance.
