Wizard Duel

He wore the protective glove on his left hand and held the duelling wand with his right. He channelled mana into the glove for a couple of seconds, causing a thin circular ethereal shield to appear before him, it was roughly the size of his old shield.

The three seconds that he had summoned the shield for had reduced his mana pool to ninety-one, showcasing just how inefficient relying on it in battle would be. Although it was good to check how big the shield was ahead of time, just in case he had to use it.

'Using the shield for only a couple of seconds drained almost a tenth of my mana pool.' Merlin thought to himself.

"Alright, give me a moment to replenish my mana, and then I'll be ready," Merlin announced.

"Alright, come with me." The instructor said as he walked out to the stage and instructed Merlin to take a seat at one of the benches.