Saving the Sister!

Merlin dashed through a vast collection of shrubbery as he closed the distance between him and what he could only assume was the older sister of the kid he spoke with earlier.

The rest of his party were following behind, some of which seemed to find running through the thick foliage to be quite difficult. This was evident as Alvira's foot caught on a thick root, almost causing her to fall flat on her face if not for Typhoeus's body being within arms reach, allowing her to catch herself.

Merlin eventually spotted four individuals, three of which were nothing more than shambling corpses with decaying skin, and a young woman who was frantically trying to crawl away from the bloodthirsty husks.

Merlin drew his blades and dashed towards the group.

The three undead noticed Merlin approach, but the closest zombie managed to bite down on the woman's calf before Merlin closed the distance.