A Bloody Good Time

Merlin and his friends made their way into the corrupted Victorian-era temple. The air was thick with the scent of decay, and he could feel a cold chill run down his spine. He glanced around at his companions, seeing a look of mild anxiety and apprehension on their faces, except for Alvira, who seemed rather excited.

The interior of the temple seemed to be predominantly Greek in design, although it was hard to tell due to the sheer amount of damage that had been done.

What were once imposing stone statues of what Merlin could only assume were the Greek gods, were now headless slabs of stone, carved up and disfigured by large claw-like marks.

As the group moved further into the temple, their footsteps began giving off a sticky sound, as if they were treading on puddles of glue.

It had gotten rather dark within the temple, and the faint light escaping the door had quickly left them seeing nothing but shades of grey.

「Skill ⟪Light⟫ Activated.」