Icon Tower

After a few moments, Sohrab poured some water on the investigator's face. He quivered and woke up. This time, the trio of beastmen went away and three human-looking people surrounded him.

"Don't be afraid, O' brave investigator. Whatever it was that ye saw was but a figment of imagination. Best to live in reality than cling to your deepest fantasies and desires, I say."

Riassuba said with a smile, holding a flower between his teeth.

"Huh! Wha…?"

The investigator was trembling. Haji Tea tsked and pushed Riassuba away.

"Cut the bullshit, will you?"

He looked at the investigator and told him.

"The things you saw inside the container were the ones I wanted to sell, two beastmen and an orc."

"I've never seen such tall and powerful slaves, I thought they were going to kill me…"

"Haha, no way, I told you they are well mannered. Anyways, If you're good now, we should probably go."