
Bernard raised his brows and smiled, the masses turned again and looked at his smiling face slightly understood the reason for firm guts behind the bet. The audience wanted to cheer but they couldn't gather enough courage to utter anything loudly, because of the presence of a single man.

After landing a solid punch Akash Tagar raised his head at the populace sitting on seats. Seeing the atmosphere so silent, Akash furrowed his brows in displeasure, even though he was not someone who would seek attention but this time attention was one of the ingredients that Akash needed for his ultimate recipe. He looked at the side of the last row, the man in green was smiling at him. The King understood.

"Excuse me, good sir. Can you please do me a favour and sit in my room, with everyone so quiet, It feels like I am fighting on a deserted island."

Akash said.