It's Good To See You

As it so happened, King Dante had also taken up residence in Golden Gate Hotel. Since his delegation only consisted of his second in command, he had opted to stay in a lavish suite.

This was not his first Masquerade ball, nor was it his first visit to Everfree Nation.

"Your Majesty, we already have your suite ready for you. If you follow me, I will show you the way there," the receptionist informed him in a quivering voice.

The smell of fear emanating from the receptionist annoyed Dante but it was a common sight. He had gotten used to it despite his annoyance.

"No need, I know where it is," Dante replied coldly before turning to leave.

Upon entering the suite, the first thing Dante did was to head over to the balcony. His usual suite overlooked the endless Eversea but this time, he decided to opt for the view of the many mansions on the hotel grounds.

Marius peered over his master's shoulder, hoping to catch a glimpse of what he was looking at. But Dante had keen senses. He immediately turned to give Marius a death stare upon realizing what he was trying to do.

The cold air gave Marius chills down his spine.

"I was merely looking to see what you were looking at, my King," he quickly defended himself.

Dante gritted his teeth.

"I have told you many times in private, Marius. You can spare the titles when we're in private."

Marius let out an awkward laugh as he scratched the back of his head, "Sorry, old habit."

Despite the diverted conversation, Marius was eager to confirm his suspicions. He leaned on the balcony railings next to Dante with a smug grin on his face. Seeing that irritating smug look on Marius's face pissed Dante off.

"Spit it out already," he barked at his second in command.

"Is there a reason why my King has given up the gorgeous sea view to look at the mansions instead?"

Dante did not appreciate the constant stream of questions. At least, not when it was directed at him. But his silence only made Marius bolder with his questions.

"Is it because of someone we met earlier, perhaps?" Marius asked inquisitively. He looked over the balcony railings and pointed out to one of the mansions.

"I heard that's the one. The one that the crown princess of Kinshearth is staying in while she's in Everfree."

Despite the height and distance, Marius's eagle-eye eyesight allowed him to see far beyond what regular humans would have been able to see. Dante shared the same abilities, and many more.

"Oh look, looks like they have just arrived at their mansion," Marius added.

He stole several glances at his King, eager to see any change in expression. It has been a long time since King Dante gave a genuine smile. As it turns out, today would not be that day either.

But after the Kinshearth delegation entered their mansion, Dante left the balcony and returned to the confines of his suite. He removed his dress shirt and laid down on the day bed.

To say that he was handsome would have been an understatement. With the muscular body of a Greek God, chiseled features, and gorgeous hair. It was no wonder why King Dante's arrival was the talk of the town.

The other royal kings and princes were god-like in their own right. But there was something about King Dante that made all the women, and some men, swoon. Even while asleep, his charismatic charm could win anyone's heart.

Marius, seeing that his King was taking some time to rest, knew it was best to not disturb him.

"I will take my leave, my King. If you have any need for me, you know how to find me," Marius said with a coy smile before bowing and leaving the suite.

Marius roamed around the compounds of the Golden Gate Hotel as he pleased. He enjoyed being on the ground, listening, and gathering intel. Women gossip and men talk.

It was a walk in the park.

Just then, someone grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into an empty dim corridor. It was a woman with a fierce burning gaze in her eyes. She was neatly dressed in Kinshearth's signature clothing.

Marius knew exactly who she was. He had seen her coming at him a mile away but chose to remain silent. He liked the 'little games' they played with one another. Furthermore, it has been a long time since they last met.

"What the hell are you doing here? And what is he doing here?!" She hissed at him threateningly.

"Well, it's great to see you too, Moira. Oh wait, my bad, your name is now… what was it… Margaret?" Marius replied with a smug grin.

Margaret cursed as she raised her fist, ready to punch Marius in the face.

"Oh please spare me, handmaiden to the Crown Princess of Kinshearth. I am but the confidante to King Dante of Dracona. Surely you wouldn't want to spill blood on this day and ignite the flames of war between our nations?" Marius begged for his life in a mocking tone.

He played it out as if he was re-enacting a scene from a dramatic play. His cheesy re-enactment can't help but put a grin on Margaret's face. Instead of punching him in the face, she punched him on the arm.

"Ouch! So violent! Are you sure that's the proper way a woman of your class should act?" he acted as if he had been brutally stabbed in the arm with a knife.

He gave her a sad puppy face, hoping to win her pity or affection. But Margaret gave neither. She folded her arms and turned to face the other way. For a short moment, a smile appeared on her face.

Seeing that Margaret was not bothered by his cries of pity, he attempted to hug her from behind. She had already predicted his move from a mile away so Margaret took a step to the side causing Marius to fall to the ground on his face.

This scene made her laugh uncontrollably.

"There's the smile I was looking for," he said with a smug grin.

Margaret quickly regained her composure, especially when she sensed that there were people around. This might have been a vacant hallway but you could never be certain who might be listening.

She bent down and gave Marius a death stare, "Mark my words, I have my eye on the both of you. Do not interfere. Got it?"

With that, she dusted her skirt and walked off to finish her other duties. Marius got up and dusted off his clothes. Looking at her leaving his line of sight, a smile remained on his face.

"It's good to see you too, Moira," he muttered to himself.