I Know You

After Laina explained her plan to Fiona, there were quite a few minutes of silence in the room. Although she did not know how long it was, Laina felt like it went on for half an hour.

"Now, I understand that your superior would be concerned about my credibility about it. Which is why, I am simply asking for a written promise of credit when the time comes," Laina reassured Fiona. 

Fiona nodded as she listened and processed what Laina had said to her. Unfortunately, she could not give a definite answer at present. She wanted more time to reflect before giving a final answer. 

Laina shook her head, "No, I need an answer right now. This is a rare business partnership offer, Madam Fiona. As soon as this call ends, the offer ends."

Fiona chuckled. She had never seen someone so confident in their own ideas when their country owed so much money to the bank! She admired Laina's confidence. 

But was it worth the risk?