Heart's Desire

Kol hesitated, unsure of how to explain himself, "I won't be able to protect you effectively if we're in separate rooms, Laina."

This was one of the few times Kol called her by her name. She had not gotten used to it just yet. But she understood where he was coming from. But if there was only one bed in the room. 

Laina shook her head, they definitely could not share a bed. She could not bring herself to let Kol sleep on the cold hard ground either. The innkeeper, seeing the struggle his guests were having, roughly guessed what the issue was. 

"Do not worry, Miss. We have two separate beds in the room, there's nothing to worry about," the innkeeper reassured Laina. 

"Oh," Laina heaved a sigh of relief, "That's great to know. We'll just get one room then."