Death By Embarassment

If it was possible to die of embarrassment, Laina would have done so at that moment. She had been played like a fool by Dante. Her mouth agape in shock lasted merely for a few seconds before it was replaced with pouting. 

Laina swiped away Dante's hand as she turned back to her paperwork, "Hmph! If the King of Dracona has so much time on his hands to play a fool of the princess, I suggest he makes better use of his time elsewhere."

Thinking she was genuinely angry, Dante regretted his teasing a little. But he knew the way to Laina's heart. 

He took Laina's right hand into his and got down on one knee. 

He gently kissed the back of her hand as he apologized, "My sincerest apologies, Crown Princess of Kinshearth. I have misjudged my capabilities with humor and unintentionally hurt your feelings. 

I pray that the kind-hearted, beautiful, and intelligent princess would show me leniency as she punishes me for my transgression."