Tell Me Everything

"Kol, what are you doing?" Laina asked out of curiosity. 

Margaret gulped, praying to whomever she could for some luck. But it seems like her luck might have run out. 

"There's something… different about Lady Margaret."

Laina tilted her head to the side as she scanned Margaret from head to toe. She walked a circle around her handmaiden, scrutinizing every part of her as she walked. Margaret stood as still as possible, hoping her facial expressions did not give anything away. 

"She does seem to have a bit of a blush on her cheeks, which I assume means she had a wonderful time with Marius. But apart from that, I don't think there's anything else different," Laina commented. 

Margaret heaved a sigh of relief. Thank goodness Laina did not suspect anything else! But Kol was not convinced. 

"It's not that… it's her aura. Something changed," Kol pointed it out. 

"Her aura?"