Till We Meet Again

Laina was taken by surprise when she was sucked into the portal. Regardless of who cast the spell, she made sure Colette was safe in her arms. They landed heavily on the grass. Laina used her own body to soften the fall. 

Colette tumbled out of her arms, landing on her side a few meters away. 

"Colette!" Laina yelled as she crawled up to the child to check and see if she was alright. 

She could see the child shivering as she approached. 

"It's alright, Colette. Everything is fine. I'm here, I'm here," she consoled the child as she got up close. 

Laina did not know what got into Dante, it was so unlike him to act that way. She knew he was protective of her, but this took it to a whole new level. But before her mind could dwell on the matter any further, her focus was on Colette.