Possible Solution

Kol and Florin were about to follow her, but she stopped them both. 

"I will go alone," Laina said. 

"But your Highness," Florin was about to protest when Kol stopped him. 

"We will wait for you here," Kol replied to Laina. 

After Laina left, Florin could not help but ask why he had stopped him. As the princess's bodyguards, should they not follow her where she went to protect her? Though Kol could not read Laina's mind, he knew from experience that there were things the princess wanted to do alone. 

"She's not as weak as you think," Kol explained with a smile, "In fact, she's stronger than you and I combined. Plus, many times fold."

Florin looked at Kol in disbelief. To the vampire, Laina looked just like any other normal human. Even if she had magical abilities, it was impossible for her to be more powerful than the both of them combined. 

"Are you joking with me?" Florin asked, wondering if Kol was simply teasing him.