Window Shopping

Dante chuckled as he picked her up into his arms. Laina yelped as she was lifted off the ground. 

"Well, the duration of your stay shall be negotiated at a later time," he declared as he walked towards the bed. 

The next morning, Laina stirred awake to the squawk of a raven. It took a while for her eyes to adjust to the sunlight that streamed into the room but when it did, Laina noticed a white raven perched at the foot of the bed. 

Carefully lifting off the covers, she crept up to the raven and noticed a messenger tube on it's leg. Laina turned back to check on Dante. Much to her relief, he was still sound asleep. 

Turning back to the white raven, Laina bit her lip. She knew the white raven belonged to Marius. This meant the message in the tube was for Dante. Putting two and two together, Laina guessed what could be written in it.