An Accident

Upon returning to Luzernia, Florin gave Laina a review of the information he had gathered. She had also gathered the accounts of the children on what had happened. There was no doubt in Laina's mind that this was no accident. 

"The fire started on the ground floor," Florin explained as she brought Laina on a walkthrough. 

He turned to a corner of the space, near the front of the shophouse as he continued to explain, "This is likely where the fire originated from."

"What are your thoughts?" Laina asked as she took a closer look. 

Though the fire had long been extinguished, Laina realized she was able to sense how the fire had spread. Florin was right. The kindle of the fire was near the front window. From there, the fire spread through the entire house.

"It's no simple accident," he whispered to her as he glanced over her shoulder.