I'll See You Soon

She placed them in Marius' hands. 

"Take these to Dante. It will speed up his recovery."

Marius nodded, carefully placing them into his personal spatial storage for safekeeping.

"One more thing. Can you relay a message for me to Dante?" she asked. 

"Of course."

Laina smiled, "Tell him I'll see him soon and I'm sorry."

With that, Marius returned to the Celestial Realm. Laina's words echoed in his mind, giving him a sense of unease. There had to be something hidden in between Laina's words. 

What did she have to apologize to Dante for?

As soon as Marius left, Laina lost consciousness, falling asleep due to extreme fatigue. Thorne carried her to bed and remained by her side to care for her while the others busied themselves. 

Margaret called for all geodes with an affinity to the Sun to be brought to Laina's room at once. She had them set up in every corner of the room while watching over Laina.