Forever Yours

As soon as those words left her lips, The Love Curse began to take effect upon her. It spread red vines throughout her body from her heart. There was no stopping it. Coupled with her weakened body, the curse spread even quicker. 

"No... no..." Dante could feel Laina heating up. 

Her skin was almost burning hot but he still held onto her as close as he could. He brought her close to his chest, hoping the cold temperature of his body could help alleviate the heat. 

"I can't lose you again, Laina. Not like this," he cried.

A weak smile formed on Laina's face as she placed her hand over Dante's heart. 

"I'll always be in your heart," she whispered into his ear. 

At that instant, a flame unlike any they had seen before enveloped Laina's entire body. Dante did not let go of her, even if it meant he would be burned alive too. If he could die with her, it would be his greatest honor.