Faster Than a Mutant Rabbit

On the bank of the river, ordinary people retreated quickly, but no one really wanted to leave.

In front of them, a 2nd Master martial artist in a black suit, black leather shoes, and had his hair combed greasily was holding a long sword full of scratches in his hand, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and his arms trembling slightly.

In front of this martial artist, on the other hand, was an extremely hideous bird-like monster with a dark body, eyes bursting out, and a thick scale armor on its body.

This abyssal beast used its fierce gaze to sweep toward the surrounding ordinary people from time to time, wishing to rush to eat and eat them immediately, but the warrior in front of it stopped it.

So, it gathered all the anger on the martial artist.


The strange beast made a strange cry.
