The Angry Yang Haodong

A few hours later, Yang Haodong finished writing his chapters and was preparing to upload the new chapters on the Runningnovel website.

However, after he opened the "Author's Area" page, he found that Battle Through the Paradise had disappeared.

Feeling that it might be because of a bug, Yang Haodong tried to refresh the page several times, but the result was still the same.

Yang Haodong also tried to search for his book in the Reader's Area, but after typing "Battle Through the Paradise" and pressed the search button, only "Sorry, no result is found" appeared.

Ten minutes later, after trying every method available, the result was still the same.

"My book disappeared? Or did someone from Runningnovel delete it?" Yang Haodong whispered with a very ugly expression.

Just because he didn't want to sign a contract with them, they deleted his book?