Yang Mei’er Came

After Yang Song came back home, he called Yang Haodong right away.

"Where are you, father?" Right after the call was connected, Yang Haodong asked in a hurry.

"Well, I am back home. You come to meet me now."

"Okay, I will be there right away."

Not long after, Yang Haodong drove his car over. He got off the car quickly and entered the house.

Yang Song was sitting and drinking tea calmly in the living room. Seeing that Yang Haodong was here, he motioned him to sit down and said, "Tell me about the battle."

Yang Haodong nodded and started, "This time, the Devil Master and his elite assassins really came personally. As you may have known, we won the battle, and none of our members died. However, a few of our people got injured seriously. We also killed the Devil Master in the end."