Food Replacing Pill, Urgent Situation

With Yang Song's talent in alchemy, it was very easy to figure out the formula of the new pill.

One hour later.

Yang Song took out the essence liquid from the microwave, divided it into several parts, and gently rubbed each part with True Energy to make it round.

Not long after, a total of five pills were presented in front of Yang Song. Each pill was very light yellow in color and it emitted a sweet and herbal smell.

"Let's try one," Yang Song picked one and put it in his mouth without hesitation.

With his eyes closed, Yang Song felt the effect of the pill. A rush of energy ran through his body instantly before going to his stomach. Then, a stuffed sensation could be felt. However, this feeling was much better than after eating a full meal because it did not generate the feeling of wanting to vomit after eating too much.

After that, Yang Song took out a box and stored the remaining four pills inside.