Came Again

"What sword technique?" Yang Song asked in wonder. Why did he not know about this?

Seeing Yang Song's face, Xiao Laoxu naturally explained, "Squeak, Master uses a sword, so I also want to use a sword."

Yang Song basically understood this little guy, it was just his impulsiveness. Yang Song just rolled his eyes and said, "Then do you think you can train it with your tiny body?"

Xiao Laoxu then looked at the sword that Yang Song was holding and then looked at his own little paws, "Squeak, it's… it's true!"

Yang Song rolled his eyes and did not care about this guy anymore and looked at that guy Luo Xiang who was still pretending to be in pain instead.

"You… tell this old man about your true purpose if you don't want to meet the Yama King."