
At this time, Zhang Yujin's attention was caught by another person – Tang Yan'er.

This girl was also very beautiful, not any inferior to her at all. However, her temperament seemed to be a bit arrogant, but that arrogance was really suitable for her and people really couldn't hate… such a cute girl as her.

But the most eye-catching thing was the ball in her hand… it seemed to be an Inner Core… a high-level Inner Core!

Zhang Yujin secretly swallowed her saliva.

'Really… extravagant!'

The next day.

People of the Blue Bolt Sect had the habit of eating breakfast.

Because there were few people, everyone knew each other very well. Old Four was nowhere to be seen, and he should've been with Yang Song.

It was the first time that Yao He participated in the breakfast session since joining the sect.

After learning that Man Qiaofei would cook in person, his mouth grew wide in shock, and he was also full of expectations.