Poisonous Plot

(A/N: Warning! This chapter contains a bloody scene and is not quite suitable for some people, especially children.)

With that, Zhang Yujin fell to the ground with a thud!

As a warrior, her vigilance shouldn't be so low. However, she made the most fatal mistake: distracted.

All her thoughts just now were placed in her own wonderful fantasy today, so that she didn't even know how she walked this small section of the road.

Where could she guard against this sudden sneak attack?

Most importantly, she had no idea that anyone would dare to commit a crime in this place!

After Zhang Yujin collapsed to the ground, a radiant ball rolled out of her pocket with a slight sound.

Xiao Wu, one of the attackers, was stunned when he watched Zhang Yujin's faintly radiant bead rolling out of her pocket!

This was actually an Inner Core!

And it looked like an A-rank Inner Core?!

This day's big gain made him excited.