End of the Contest, Final Ranking

Less than twenty minutes before the end of the game...

At this time, senior leaders from all major organizations came to the scene.

In the air, they were all floating on both sides of Yang Song, observing the situation of the game below, and commenting.

"It seems that Zhang Jiuwu has secured the first place."


"Senior Blue Bolt, the juniors in your organization, one by one, are not simple. Although there are few people, they can all be ranked in the forefront!"

"Yes, whether this Man Qiaofei or that Yao He, according to the juniors in charge of them, are very difficult to invite, but they all went to you. It's really..."

"It's only been such a short time since the Blue Bolt Sect was established. In terms of personnel expansion, both the high-level and the basics are breathtaking! Senior, what is the secret?"