Major Realm Upgrade

These Spiritual Energy came to him and poured into his body one after quickly.

A moment later, Yang Song felt a little swelling all over his body as if he was filled with Spiritual Energy.

Soon, when the amount of Spiritual Energy reached a certain level, the qualitative change began.


Some kind of sound appeared as if an invisible force broke the shackles of the realm. After the Spiritual Energy in Yang Song's body was compressed to a certain degree, it suddenly exploded.

Immediately, his rank rose swiftly.

After the Golden Core Realm, it was the Soul Transformation Realm.

Similarly, Yang Song's cultivation base rose to the 1st stage of the Soul Transformation Realm. But it did not stop there. It was not until it reached the 4th stage did it stop.

After Yang Song opened his eyes, he took a deep breath. An Earth Law Orb actually helped him break through a major realm.

It even got an extra level!