True Body

This time, without any other obstacles, the situation in front of him changed instantly.

From the dim and cold environment of the ancient battlefield, it turned into a soft light blue world.

The main difference between this place and the outside world was the atmosphere in the air.

In the outside world, there would be some element energy of various types, and the distribution was relatively even.

In some special places, a certain element might be biased, but it did not affect the overall situation.

But in this minor realm, it was a very exaggerated situation.

That was, there was only water elemental energy breath, all other elemental energy was not at all visible here.

This place was completely a paradise for all water mages, and it was also hell for other mages.

The water mage would have a very high training speed here, but other mages would not even be able to do basic training.

"What a magical place."