Fire Law Orb Found

It was a pity that she did not have any special ability. In this age of supernatural powers, a person without any ability like her was not valued much. But fortunately, she had stayed in the base for a long time and knew many secrets of the base. Otherwise, she estimated that the base would've had dismissed her a long time ago.

At this time, Xiao Laoxu in the first cell was also sighing at the scene in front of him.

Just as he was hopeless and helpless, a voice rang weakly, "Laoxu…"

Xiao Laoxu quickly raised his head and looked around, he then whispered, "Who is talking?"

The voice rang again, "Don't you recognize me?"

This time, the voice was not weak but strong, and the was the reason that made Xiao Laoxu feel familiarity in it, but he was still not sure, "Squeak, who are you?"

The voice snorted softly, "So you really don't know me anymore?"